Everyone spent all the time they were present at the Schlosshotel Behringen working on the projects that were laid out in the first day of the T3UXW09. The general sense is that we are very happy with what we achieved. This event will definitely spark of new events in the coming year. We really feel so much can be achieved in a week of collaboration. The tasks we have started are not finished yet. It is up to the teams now to finish the tasks we started out.
Here is a short first hand report of the presentation.
Jens opens the presentation and says he is deeply impressed with the results. The spirit was amazing. Everyone was very focussed. Along the way people also came up with idea of themselves.
Team 1: Backend Search improved a lot. Backend cleanup, Drag & drop, rearrange formfields. The formfields feature smarter rearrangement using a recently built in feature that also allows horizontal arrangement of formfields. The styling is more consistent and better understandable. The forms use real labels in most cases. The team also introduced a grid page module that reflects the layout in the frontend. In innovative application enables you to create the layout by dragging and combining cells in order to create the layout. A big usability improvement!
Team 2: Showed some new designs for the new TYPO3 4.4 version. The team showed of the way the Demo Package is installed. It is a very easy te install the package. A very nice feature is the colorpicker that allows the Demo Package to have any color scheme the user wants. The demo package will contain expamples, best paractices and all info a user needs to get started with TYPO3. The team is 60% underway with templating the Install Tool that will allow for instance skinning. This is a first stage. The next step will be a better division of the parts of the Install Tool.
Team 3: This team had the most difficult task of going through all the files and replacing hard-coded images by css classes. The have written a css style guide for developers. A lot of work went in to the naming convention. The icon naming convention was taken from freedesktop.org and is really well stuctured. A very cool feature is the Sprite Generator that compiles a sprite out of images in a directory. The icons in the backend will be shown css positioning. One more thing they ontroduced is a CSS compressor that merges the few CSS there is left into one file. The CSS naming introduces a common namespace called t3 to avoid confusion with other CSS classes. There are now 3 stylesheets.
Team 4: Built a flexible API for integrating Ext JS. A demonstration of the pagetree showed that now you can drag and drop, inline rename pages. You can add pages by dragging in icons and you can delete pages by moving them to the dropzone. The concept can be used for all trees across TYPO3 and it's extensions.
Team 5: Ext JS skinning. The new tab interface. Buttons are restyled like buttons and will be included in TYPO3 4.3 already. In general all JS skinning that was there is styled as TYPO3 now as to reach a uniform look. Team five also rewrote the left module bar in Ext JS so it's collapsible as well as they rewrote the top menu also. The top-menu now features a completely refactored user settings module which allows extensions to add options to the menus in the top bar.
The result of the work will be available in a special package. Consider this event as a kickstart for TYPO3 4.4 that will be released on Mai 28th 2010.
Round up: We really thank all supporting companies. It is very impressive that also freelancers supported this event by sponsoring. Special thanks to the Ukranian company that send one project manager. We definitely need more people from all over the world to join the TYPO3 community.
- https://www.df.eu - domainFACTORY GmbH
- https://www.aoe.com, - AOEmedia GmbH
- https://ecodev.ch - Ecodev Sàrl
- https://www.jweiland.net - jweiland.net
- https://www.dr-bahr.com - Kanzlei Dr. Bahr
- https://www.punkt.de - punkt.de GmbH
- https://www.dkd.de - d.k.d Internet Service GmbH
- https://www.mehrwert.de - mehrwert intermediale kommunikation GmbH
- Niekom Netservice
- https://www.internezzo.ch - internezzo ag
- https://www.au.dk - Aarhus University
- https://www.marit.ag - Marit AG
- https://www.h-da.de - Hochschule Darmstadt
- https://www.xing.com/profile/Thomas_Janke - Thomas Janke - TYPO3 Support
- https://www.cron.eu - cron IT GmbH
- Drecomm BV
- https://www.neusta.de - NEUSTA GmbH
- Netcreators
- https://www.networkteam.com - networkteam GmbH
- https://www.work.de - n@work Internet Informationssysteme GmbH
- https://www.wwsc.de - wwsc Märkte und Medien GmbH
- https://www.ameria.de/ - ameria GmbH
- https://www.inpublica.de/ - inpublica