This year’s TYPO3 conference T3CON13DE in Stuttgart had been reinvented and was very well organized with a main subject for each day – Community, Future and Business – and four tracks on each day covering a variety of topics such as non-tech, tech, TYPO3, business and cases. Thus in total the participants had approximately 70 great talks from experienced professionals and thought leaders to choose from.
When TYPO3 community manager Ben van 't Ende wrapped up the conference he warmly thanked all of the 300 participants, speakers, sponsors and volunteers who had contributed. And there really is a lot to thank for.
As a freelance web and communications consultant it was quite rewarding for me to attend the conference. I’ve learned a lot from the talks and it was great to get acquainted with the TYPO3 products and community members as well as discussing business issues, content management, open source and more with other specialists. I now feel truly inspired and even more motivated and have expanded my network.
The Danish political party Venstre has been a TYPO3 costumer for several years and their digital manager Henrik Andersen also participated. When I asked Henrik today what he has brought home from the conference he confirmed that the conference has been inspiring and he especially found that the business talks had had a high standard, regarding the technical insights they provided. Furthermore he very much likes the fresh perspectives deriving from the talks concerning other business areas than his own.
Rasmus Skjoldan
TYPO3 senior developer René Gulager from another major costumer Topdanmark speaks highly of the conference too. He said to me that the conference as a whole reassures him with regards to the future of TYPO3. He now has confidence in Neos and thinks that it is becoming an outstanding product. The tech talks have given him more new ideas as to how they can better manage a certain deployment process at Topdanmark. And finally René felt it was nice “having the sensation of being part of one big family”.
The last day a jury also evaluated the quality of the talks based upon the participant’s ‘voting cards’ which led to the announcement of the following top three speakers:
1) Vitaly Freedman (Smashing Magazine) for ”I want to be a web designer when I grow up”
2) Martin Helmich (Mittwald CM Service) for ”Behaviour driven development”
3) Brian Teeman (Joomla) for ”The trouble with tribbles – working with an international community”
Vitaly Friedman
But there were a lot of other fabulous speakers as well and luckily all of the talks were recorded so you can watch them at the T3CON13DE website: <link http: conference-videos>
Thank you TYPO3 for sharing.
/ GItte Vejen
Gitte Vejen is a communications consultant and project manager with a heart beating for user friendly digital solutions. Over the years she has worked with a variety of CMS’es and Gitte is now campaigning for greater awareness of open source and the developments within content management. Privately she is married to a software developer and mother of three, loves a good film (e.g. Swedish drama/comedy, sci-fi or Japanese animation) and runs a couple of times a week.