The budgetary process 2014 has officially started. Download your copy of the application form and send in your proposal not later then 30th of September.
Do it like Mike!

This is Mike* and he is an open source enthusiast. He is browsing thru one of his favorites websites and finds interesting news. It's the TYPO3 Association's announcement for the
call for budget applications for the 2014 year. As Mike has been following the activities of the TYPO3 community closely thru his visits to the TYPO3 developer days and other events he wonders how he can participate with his ideas and knowledge.

Mike sits down and starts to brainstorm about some ideas he had while working with TYPO3 during the year. He looks thru notes he made.

This is the
budget application form that Mike has downloaded from the TYPO3 Associations website.
It can be found here: <link http: funding ref assoc _blank>TYPO3 Association's website.
It is an OpenOffice document. Get OpenOffice now!

It consists of two parts. A form document and a spreadsheet. Both contain some example data which Mike uses to fill in his data correctly. He knows that he can contact the Expert Advisory Board (<link> any time in case of questions.
Finally Mike sends his budget application via e-mail to the TYPO3 Association.
e-mail address for the budget application is: <link bu>
There is deadline for the submission of the budget application. It is the
30th of September 2013. Applications arriving after that date will not be taken into account. Sorry, there will be no exceptions!

The budget applications will be collected by the TYPO3 Association and will be forwarded to the Expert Advisory Board also known as EAB. The EAB consists of elected members from TYPO3 Association and they will take care of the budgetary process.

The Expert Advisory Board summarizes the budget applications and may contact the budget applicants with possible questions for clarification.
There will be a presentation of the budget application and a
possibility to ask questions on details in an online forum after October, 14th.
Everyone will be able to ask questions! Not only members of the TYPO3 Association.

Additionally during the TYPO3 conference there will be a general presentation of notable budget applications.
This will be open for all interested TYPO3 enthusiasts!

The members of the TYPO3 Association will be able to give their opinion about the usage of their members fees in an online poll between Nov, 1st and Nov, 22nd. Their priorities will be taken into account and observed by the EAB in the budgetary process.

The results of the TYPO3 association members' poll with be prepared with high tech systems!

The EAB will consult about and
negotiate the final usage of the budget during and after their budget meeting on 25th and 26th of November.

The final budget will be communicated in early December 2013.
The budget owners will receive a budget agreement and information about how to deal with the administrative handling.
During the year the EAB will contact the budget owners and ask for details on the current status of the funded project. It will help to solve issues arising in the project.
Will you do it like Mike?
*) Mike is a fictious character. It's name could be also Michelle, Peter or Jean-Yves.