The Server Admin Team is sprinting in Lucerne and a PHP Unit sprint is going on in Hamburg.
Server Admin Team (June 27 – 29, Lucerne, Switzerland)
The Server Admin Team is meeting for a sprint weekend in beautiful Lucerne (@snowflake) from June 27th to 29th. The hashtag for the code sprints is
PHP Unit (June 27 – 29, Hamburg, Germany)

The PHPUnit TYPO3 extension provides helper functions and a nice back-end module for running unit tests. For many people, this extension is their first encounter with unit testing and automated quality assurance of their extensions. The sprint is focused on improving the extension.
The PHP Unit code sprint takes place in Hamburg - kindly hosted by <link http:>sitegeist media solutions and organised by Oliver Klee.
The hashtag for the event is
#pucs14. You can find more info the WIKI page: <link http: phpunit_codesprint_2014>PHPUnit CodeSprint 2014/1. You can support the guys by sponsoring some drinks or pizza by contacting
@oliklee on Twitter.