Security issues in several third party TYPO3 extensions including cooluri, cwt_resetbepassword, datamints_newsticker, gb_fenewssubmit, mailform, myth_download, pm_tour, twittersearch, ws_ecard, ws_gallery

Categories: Security Created by Helmut Hummel
Several vulnerabilities have been found in the following third party TYPO3 extensions: "CoolURI" (cooluri), "Reset backend password" (cwt_resetbepassword), "datamints Newsticker" (datamints_newsticker), "[Gobernalia] Front End News Submitter" (gb_fenewssubmit), "Mailform" (mailform), "Myth download" (myth_download), "Tour Extension" (pm_tour), "Twitter Search" (twittersearch), "Webesse E-Card" (ws_ecard), "Webesse Image Gallery" (ws_gallery)

For further information on the issues of the extensions listed above, please read the advisory TYPO3-SA-2009-010 (that represents a Collective Security Bulletin):

In general the TYPO3 Security Team recommends you to read the following pages:

The TYPO3 Security Cookbook:

See all TYPO3 security bulletins: