Teams at work This sprint was not only dedicated to typo3.org, but was also a meeting place for the server infrastructure team and the documentation team. Besides those teams Tim Duelken and Steffen Gebert also worked on the forum, connected to our mailinglists. The forum is almost ready to launch and Tim hopes to present it as a Christmas gift to the TYPO3 community. For the server team Peter Niederlag, Michael Stucki, Steffen Gebert and Bastian Bringenberg worked together on numerous topics. The server team works in mysterious ways. A lot of stuff happens under the hood and is hard to describe in this article. A lot of time went into the upgrade investigation of our project tool Redmine (http://forge.typo3.org). The team did not manage an update of Redmine, but a foundation for upgrading soonish was laid in this sprint. bugs.typo3.org, our previous bugtracker is in the process of discontinuation. New bugs can't be filed anymore to bugs.typo3.org and it will be fully taken offline during 2013. The new Solr server was deployed and the Vagrant Box for typo3.org was streamlined. If you want to help out with the maintenance of typo3.org a Vagrant Box for typo3.org is available that provides you with a virtual machine for a typo3.org installation.

Dreaming of TER The main topics for the sprint were Login, Server Load, Documentation, Deployment, TER and PSL like mentioned in the previous article on the codesprint. Almost all login problems reported have been dealt with and fixes are implemented. A new 'Stay logged in' feature was added. Your username will be sent when you request your password through 'Forgot password now as well. The server load was dimiished hugely through optimised configuration of the Varnish caching mechanism (https://www.varnish-cache.org/). Martin Bless and Fabien Udriot worked live together for the very first time. That allowed to guys to quickly identify bugs. An awesomely interesting aspect of Fabien's current work is a FLOW application that will manage all the actions of the documentation server. The TYPO3 Flow application accepts rendering tasks and adds them to a task queue. The app was not finished during the sprint, but it does show how products in the TYPO3 project go hand in hand. docs.typo3.org has been released in parallel with the TYPO3 CMS 6.0 release. Currently the website is in a beta state. The design, categorisation etc. still needs to be pimped and new features will be pushed to the website in the future. The team also aims to have some instructions out shortly on how people can contribute to documentation. typo3.org has a sophisticated deployment process, which was updated during the sprint. The whole versioning system was moved from SVN to GIT, GIT is being used throughout the TYPO3 eco-system. For this it was necessary to update Forge (to 1.4). Huge progress was made in that area, but the actual update is not done yet. That will be done in the coming days. Unfortunately we were short on manpower to deal with all the extension repository issues. A much requested bug-fix concerning the download counter was implemented. Thomas Löffler is preparing quite some new features, like the admin interface and hopes to be able to deliver that to the community as a Christmas present. TER can use some more dedicated love. So if you are up to the task, let us know! The Professional Services Listing [http://typo3.org/support/professional-services/] has been streamlined and quite some bugs have been fixed. There are numerous improvements on typo3.org, which should make it a better experience to all users of typo3.org. Some smaller ones that are note-worthy are: improved event listing (we now have sub-categories for community events and code sprints are added), the menu behaves more relaxed, we have user images for comments, which i my personal favourite and many more improvements. Please let us know how you like the changes and if you find any issues, please submit them on forge.typo3.org/projects/team-t3o-relaunch-week/issues. For the next year we have planned 3-4 code sprints. Maintenance of typo3.org remains on top of our agenda. The work on typo3.org will never be done.

Server and Documentation Team Last but not least a big thanks to AOEmedia for hosting the code sprint once again and providing Chef Christoph for some excellent lunches. Thank you Anja Leichsenring and Jari-Hermann Ernst for the T3DEV coffee beans (the remaining k is in my machine), Robert Weißgraeber for the beer and Ingo Schmitt for the pizza's. Thank you to all participants. It once again was an awesome event. This combination of work, friendship, pizza and beer gives an unprecendented feeling of achievement that one easily gets addicted to.
- Joern Bock (pizzamanager/content)
- Tolleiv Nietsch (deployment, documentation, all things technical)
- Ben van ‘t Ende (pizzamanager/content/reporter)
- Fabien Udriot (documentation)
- Christian Zenker (content stuff, integration)
- Mario Matzulla (PSL)
- Steffen Gebert (deployment)
- Christian Händel (t3agent/content/integration)
- Martin Bless (documentation)
- Andreas Beutel (login)
- Sascha Egerer (Search)
- Ingo Renner (online from San Francisco - Search)
- Kian (coordination/PSL)
- Bastian Bringenberg (Server Team)
- Peter Niederlag (Server Team - GIT)
- Michael Stucki (Server Team)
- Thomas Löffler (TER)
- Tymoteusz Motylewski (ExtBase)
- Thomas Layh (ExtBase)
- Steffen Ritter (login PSL and general issues)
- Mick Klapper (Deployment)
- Tim Duelken (Forum)