Result of the Budget Poll 2021

Categories: Association Created by Mathias Bolt Lesniak
TYPO3 Association members were asked to rate submitted budget ideas for the “Innovation, Education and Events” pool in the annual budget poll. The Board of the TYPO3 Association decided to distribute the funds as widely as possible.

Increased Budget in 2021

This year we received more ideas than ever before. From former years we have learnt that not all projects use their funds, and are therefore aiming to fund more project ideas.

Therefore we decided to increase the Budget for 2021 once again, to fund as many ideas as possible. The pool for Innovation, Events and Education has been raised from €310,000 to €526,000. Unfortunately, it is not possible to fund all ideas. We tried to select ideas rated high during the member poll and which fit in our intentional focus.

User Experience in Focus

In 2021 we want to prioritise UX-driven improvements, to enable all of our users (developers, integrators, and editors).

Collaborative Communication, Marketing, and Onboarding (CoCoMOn)

Our second goal is to increase contribution and help communities outside of Central Europe. 13 ideas have been rolled into a collaborative project for TYPO3 communication, marketing, and Onboarding. All of these ideas overlapped with at least three others on one or more of these topics:

  • Advertising
  • Events
  • Outreach
  • Onboarding
  • Entry-level education

We hope the project can take the TYPO3 Guidebook as a natural starting point and have allocated €78,500 to this project. We would like to see open-source deliverables with easy contribution and localization that can be reused world-wide. The project should also document how to use each deliverable, as well as the results achieved.

Mathias Bolt Lesniak (board) and Luisa Faßbender (Marketing Team) will manage the project, with high-level project management assistance from Open Strategy Partners. The idea submitters will be invited to a meeting, and more information about the structure and sub-projects will be published soon.

Poll Results

Below you will find the result of the Budget poll and the decision of the Board, for each budget:

TitlePoll rating% of max*2021 budget
Documentation should have a global search and good start page4.89100%€10,000
Further development of my most important extensions4.7625%€6,250
Wiki Migration4.6875%€7,500
Update Outdated Screenshots in the Official Documentation4.5875%€7,500
Microcopy and UI Text4.5475%€7,500
Automated a11y test4.1675%€3,750
(Online) Core coding workshops - beyond the workflow4.1175%€3,750
Improve EXT:extension_builder4.0925%€12,500
Provide QA Best Practices usable by Community4.0275%€7,500
Translate TYPO3 using Crowdin II3.8350%€25,000
English language-based intro video course for integrators3.81CoCoMOn project
Improve Beginner Editor UI Sprints3.7975%€7,500
Digital TYPO3 contribution workshop3.7650%€5,000
TYPO3 Guidebook promotion, maintenance. extension3.71CoCoMOn project
Editor's day3.6850%€2,500
Micro Certifications3.5050%€30,000
Translation of TYPO3 in local languages3.47CoCoMOn project
The (official) TYPO3 podcast 20213.3950%€12,500
Extension documentation contest3.3575%€1,875
TYPO3 International Meetup Days event series3.33CoCoMOn project
TYPO3 International Mentorship Program 20213.28CoCoMOn project
TYPO3 Agency Startup Package3.28CoCoMOn project
Mask + Mask Export3.2425%€6,250
Communications consulting (ongoing)3.24In Communications budget (#6602)
Direct business development for TYPO3 in the developing countries and emerging markets3.24CoCoMOn project
Agencies meet up day3.2350%€2,500
TYPO3 Student Grant3.2075%€3,750
Online event3.18CoCoMOn project
Adopt a TYPO3 rookie3.17CoCoMOn project
Paid media TYPO3 awareness campaign03.03CoCoMOn project
Create Stockphotos for TYPO303.02In Communications budget (#6602) continued improvements and reports3.00 €0
iT3BC@Hof-University.de2.70 €0
iT3BC@Hof-University.de2.69 €0
TYPO3 Promotion in NL2.59CoCoMOn project
add images from Unsplash2.51 €0
Spanish TYPO3 Training site2.46CoCoMOn project
Continue Marketing efforts NL (in 2021 hopefully with real events)2.33CoCoMOn project

* Budget awarded in percentage of the maximum requested sum (“approximate funds needed” in the idea submission form). If the sum was given as “€5,000–€10,000” and “75%” was awarded, the awarded sum is €10,000*0.75 = €7,500.

Product Improvement Poll in January

The Board will start a second budget poll in January, to rate ideas for improvements in TYPO3 CMS. For this pool, €150,000 are reserved in the Core Budget. 

Thank you for participating in our poll. If you are interested in our Board work or in the work of the Budget Committee, feel free to apply for a position in one of these bodies.

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