At the 1st February 2014 the General Assembly (GA) of the TYPO3 Association took place in Frankfurt.
As usual the <link http: board ref assoc _blank of the typo3>Board and the <link http: expert-advisory-board ref assoc _blank>EAB started their combined meeting at the day before the GA. Main topics were the preparation of the GA.
At the evening we were able to experience original Frankfurt food and beverage (tip: you should try the "grüne Soße").

In Morning of the 1st February a question & answering session took place. The main discussion was about the dunning process of the Association. Currently this process is done not regularly enough. One result is, that the Board will change the whole administration process this year.
The official GA started at 14:00 with the opening of Alain Veuve in representation of our president Jürgen Egeling.
This was the Agenda:
- Minutes of the last general assembly
- Annual report of the associations' board
- Annual financial statement and reports of the statutory auditors and the business control committee
- Grant discharge to the association's board, expert advisory board, treasurer, statutory auditors and committees
- Permanent admittance of members
- Information on the budget for the current year;
- Admission fee and annual subscription of the members for the current membership year
- Elections of the
- Board (by the current EAB)
- expert advisory board
- statutory auditors
- members of the business control committee
- Applications of the
- expert advisory board and the association's board
- members
- Program of activities
- Amendments to the statutes
- Nomination of the honorary members
- Complaint against executive bodies, resolution on the appeal against an expulsion or rejection of a provisional admission resolution of the association's board.

The EAB elected Olivier Dobberkau (<link http: reverend neverend _blank>@T3RevNeverEnd) as the new president for the TYPO3 Association. As the GA was held in the "Kolpinghaus", this seems to fit together :-)

The next GA will take place in March 2015.
You can find the protocol and all other informations at the Association website.
<link http: general-assembly ref assoc _blank bu assembly>more information …