Recap: TYPO3 GmbH Review Fridays July and August 2018

As usual, the TYPO3 GmbH office opened its doors for interested developers for a day of tackling the review queue. It’s becoming an institution, and we were very happy to have Netherlands guest to both dates.

On 6th of July, WIND Internet sent us three of their developers, a big shoutout goes to Jord de Jong, Rudy Gnodde and Robert van Kammen. Jürgen Venne from Schaffrath completed the little crowd.

Together, we made 15 patches ready to be merged into the master branch of the TYPO3 core. They contained mostly smaller sized changes and paved the path for bigger changes, that the core team members are preparing.

Don’t underestimate the power and value of cleanup patches or documentation improvements, those are badly needed both by users of TYPO3 as well as developers who build on this base. So even if we did not tackle the big brand new features, this work was necessary and precious. More of the same had been prepared during the day, which was merged later, and also the backports to the stable branches are not counted here.

We concluded our workday with a visit to the local beer garden, where we had dinner and some time to talk and catch up with each other. This time is as important as the working time, as it allows us to connect over our shared passion: TYPO3.

Thank you Rudy, Robert, Jürgen and Jord for this effective Review Friday. I look forward to welcome you again in the TYPO3 GmbH office for more of the same.

The August issue of Review Friday was shifted to the second week of the month, due to the Code Sprint that took place in Dresden the week before. This time, the office was almost too small for all the participants: Mona Muzaffar came from Rheinschafe, again Jürgen from Schaffrath, the new employee of TYPO3 Gmbh Benjamin Kott, Tim Schreiner from arndtteunissen and Riny van Tiggelen, Richard Vollebregt and Richard Haeser from MaxServ.

Richard and his colleagues came to discuss and work on the SEO integration features they prepare for TYPO3. Read about their experience on Richard’s Blog Post.

Jürgen also had his own agenda and preferred the protected space in the TYPO3 GmbH office over his own workspace, to advance on the File List rework.

So it was left to Tim, Mona, me and later on also to Richard and Riny to get the count of open reviews down. 10 patches were merged to master, and lots of advancement was made especially on older issues. To unblock work on such patches, rebasing the current code and taking up conversation with the people involved is a time consuming, but rewarding work. There is an undeniable feeling of satisfaction, when one can resume work on an issue that has been abandoned for some time.

This time, we took the dinner to the Altstadt, where we had a nice late meal near the river Rhine. When Mathias Schreiber also joined us for the evening, it was a perfect conclusion for a day full of talk, little and bigger successes on the code zone of TYPO3. We kept talking and sharing stories until deep into the night.

I also want to thank all the people that put up with our activity during the review fridays and supported us by also contributing remotely. We would not have been able to tackle so many issues without help from the rest of the community.

Do you think you can do what we do each month? Reviewing patches, giving feedback, fixing bugs, filing tickets and such activities? We are glad you see you join on the next event, which will take place September 7th in Düsseldorf. If this is too far away for you to travel, just meet us remotely in Slack. We will be there all day, starting 9am and as long as someone still wants to continue.

If you wish to come to the office, please just do so. Bring your laptop, everything else (wifi, food, coffee, energy drinks, beverages, sweets and energy plugs) will be provided. A little hint on Facebook or Slack is appreciated, but not mandatory.

Let’s have fun together, making the world - at least our little TYPO3 one - better by removing as many bugs as we can, and spend time connecting over our favorite CMS.

We look forward meeting you!

Yours, Anja

Next TYPO3 GmbH Review Friday: September 7th
Also, did you know there's a Code Sprint in Berlin coming up at the end of October? Register here now!