T3CON12 ASIA, Asia's first TYPO3 conference took place in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, from 17 - 19 August 2012. More than 20 talks provided an insight into web and mobile technology, IT Business Best Practices and featured the powerful TYPO3 CMS and its community.
A Truly International Conference

Kasper Skårhøj, TYPO3 founder, opened the conference with his keynote speech in which he shared his passion for Open Source.
The opportunity to learn, share and network was taken by 80 attendees who represented 14 countries. Asian representatives included guests from China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam and of course Cambodia. The social event at a famous local Brewery further helped to strengthen the TYPO3 Community across continents.
Student's Day
An interview with Kasper, a Tech Talk about the future of web and mobile technlogoies as well as a Panel Discussion on jobs in IT attracted around 150 students who joined the Student's Day on Sunday, 19 August 2012. The workshops (“Powerful TYPO3 CMS” and “Responsive Web Design”) hold in Khmer language, seemed to be very attractive with many students signing up for the Khmer TYPO3 User Group (<link http: www.typo3cambodia.org>www.typo3cambodia.org).
Training Days
Following the conference, from 20 – 21 August 2012, additional tutorials took place in order to deepen some of the talks from the conference and gain more practical insight. Around 30 Cambodian web developers took place and enjoyed this knowledge transfer.
Heartfelt Thanks
A well organised team of helpers turned the conference facility (Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center) into a welcoming meeting place and provided support for international participants (for example strong coffee for the early mornings or tuk-tuks and city maps to discover Phnom Penh). Our dedicated thanks also go to the main sponsors Web Essentials (<link http: www.web-essentials.asia>www.web-essentials.asia) and Screenteam (<link http: www.screenteam.com>www.screenteam.com). In addition, Screenteam also recorded all talks which can be seen on (<link https: t3con12-asia.typo3.org program videos.html>
t3con12-asia.typo3.org/program/videos.html or <link http: www.youtube.com>www.youtube.com/results?search_query=typo3+t3con12+asia) and will provide lasting memories.
The biggest web technology conference in Cambodia so far is history, but hopefully a new tradition of a yearly Asian TYPO3 conference has begun. To keep up-to-date with what's going on in Asia's TYPO3 world, join the official Asian TYPO3 mailing list: <link http: lists.typo3.org cgi-bin mailman listinfo typo3-asia>
lists.typo3.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/typo3-<link http: lists.typo3.org cgi-bin mailman listinfo typo3-asia>asia
You can see impressions here:
Flickr Photo Stream (<link http: www.flickr.com search>
Videos of all talks (<link https: t3con12-asia.typo3.org program videos.html>
t3con12-asia.typo3.org/program/videos.html or <link http: www.youtube.com>www.youtube.com/results?search_query=typo3+t3con12+asia)
T3CON12 ASIA featured in the local newspaper (<link http: www.phnompenhpost.com index.php business user-experience-a-priority-for-tech-market.html>