November 27 is the release date for TYPO3 CMS 6.0 and we are ready to P A R T Y !! Are you?
From The Netherlands, through Germany to Poland across the continents and back it is party time for the release of TYPO3 CMS 6.0. The release team has done an enormous effort in getting this release out. This is one of the most anticipated releases in years and sees a totally new File Abstraction Layer that adds core functionality to manage your images and let's you use cloud storage through specific drivers. This is only one of the many great features TYPO3 CMS 6.0 brings to you and we need you to celebrate with us.
<link http: release_party typo3_6.0>
Organise your own TYPO3 CMS 6.0 release party!
We have prepared a <link http: release_party typo3_6.0>WIKI page were you can enter your release party. Use the hashtag
#TYPO3CMS6 for everything you do concerning your party. The release is on a Tuesday which might not be your party day. Any day you like will do, as long as you
Release Manager Helmut Hummel will be doing a
TYPO3 Release 6.0 Launch Webcast with an
online introduction plus live Q+A , so one idea would be to plan your local event around this Webcast :)
Please use one of the banners in the zip package to promote the party page.