1) Got to <link http: t3con12de.typo3.org _blank t3con12>t3con12de.typo3.org
2) Log in with your typo3.org account
3) Got to <link https: t3con12de.typo3.org my papers vote.html _blank on submitted>t3con12de.typo3.org/my/papers/vote.html
You will find a list of all papers submitted. Please take some time and browse through them. There is a brief abstract available for each of them.
When you have decided wether or not you like the paper proposed, go back to the list and make your vote. Please give the following scores:
- +1 if you like the paper
- 0 if you are unsure about the paper
- -1 if you don't like the paper
Sincerely your,
TYPO3 Conference Team