Open Source CMS's together at CeBIT 2013

Categories: Community Created by ben van 't ende
CMS-GARDEN will be the place where the most relevant Open Source Content Management Systems will present themselves side by side.
TYPO3 together with the most relevant Open Source Content Management Systems, like <link https: de>Contao, <link http:>Drupal, <link http:>Joomla, <link http: de>OpenCMS and <link http:>Plone will be present itself in the <link http:>CMS-GARDEN at CeBIT 2013. A group of people from these Open Source CMS communities will be working together to bring the event to life. CMS-Garden is there to promote dialog between the communities. The projects will present themselves in a common stand. Expert members of each community will be available to help visitors get started. This will enable decision makers to choose the right Open Source CMS for their business. Additionally CMS-GARDEN will feature a CMS challenge where the same task will be given to the CMS's that they will implement before the LIVE audience. The organizers are currently looking for additional support for the preparation and for the event itself. More important even the organization is looking for sponsors. Companies affiliated with the Open Source CMS subject or working with one of the products or it's communities are encouraged to contribute to CMS-GARDEN by buying space in a proposed CMS info book, in which the participating Content Management Systems are presented. The info book will be distributed at CMS-GARDEN during CeBIT 2013. The circulation of the info book will be 30,000 to 50,000 copies.