The Documentation Team is extremely happy to introduce two new tutorials that provide TYPO3 beginners with a renewed learning path.
Over the course of the last few days, the Documentation Team released two tutorials as part of the official documentation:
- the Getting Started tutorial is the successor of the Quickstart Guide written years ago by Kasper Skårhøj. It is now based on the TYPO3 Introduction Package and has been fully rewritten, although it is still inspired by the old structure. Philipp Gampe, Martin Holtz and Susanne Moog are to thank for the huge effort that went into finally revamping the manual that constitutes the first contact with TYPO3 for many people.
- the TypoScript in 45 minutes tutorial is a newcomer to the official documentation. It existed already for several years in the wiki and got regularly improved by contributions from the whole community. As it was a very useful manual and had matured a lot, it was decided to incorporate it into the official documentation. Furthermore it provides a perfect next step to the Getting Started tutorial. Susanne Moog took care of the final editing.
Together with the Introduction Package that was launched along TYPO3 4.4, we are providing an unprecedented entry path into TYPO3 for newcomers.
The next big step is to provide a new templating tutorial, that would replace the Modern Template Building (1, 2 & 3) and the Futuristic Template Building manuals that are dramatically out of date (although the basic concepts explained therein are still valid). This will be a big effort and the Documentation Team welcomes help on that topic. If you are interested, contact us at <link>
Note 1: that the PDF version of the Getting Started tutorial could not be uploaded to the TER because of its size. You can download it by following the link at the bottom of this article.
Note 2: please find below the links to download the fonts used in the OpenOffice file. You will need "Baskervald" and "Gillius n°2", as well as "Vera Sans Monospace".