The marketing team had an online meeting on October 17. The marketing team meets several times a year online and about twice a year live in Wiesbaden.
We realise the marketing team was not always that visible. We already had a project page on Forge that wasn´t public. We have now divided our marketing project in a non-public and public part, in the same fashion as the board and expert advisory board does. Like other projects the <link http: projects team-marketing-public>marketing team project on Forge also features an issue tracker. You can follow the status of the marketing issues and submit your own issues in the issue tracker. We will also publish full reports in the form of a news article on to keep the community updated. In this Skype meeting we already planned a live meeting that will be held in Wiesbaden on November 21. These day-long live meetings are very effective. We welcomed Christian Handel as a new contributor to the marketing team. Christian will, amongst others, work on the Professional Services Listing for together with Frederic Gaus.
At the meeting the following people were present: Kian Gould, Berit Hlubek, Alain Veuve, Ben van ´t Ende, Frederic Gaus, Sören Schaffstein and Christian Handel. Boris Hinzer also attended the meeting for the Editorial Team. We have quite a good cross-section of the TYPO3 universe in the marketing team as for instance Alain Veuve, Sören Schaffstein and Frederic Gaus are in the Board. Sören also leads communications and specifically press. We plan to include more people from other teams in the meetings we have.

One of the exiting things we discussed is to organise a marketing sprint next year where we invite representatives from other teams and interested community members. If such a sprint will happen depends on the amount of budget the team will receive. One of the other important issues raised in the meeting was to to set up a procedure that leads to a consolidated Marketing Strategy Concept for the next 2-3 years covering the whole TYPO3 Ecosystem. There are some rough ideas on that and the marketing team will discuss that further in the next meeting. We will set up this procedure in a way where everyone can contribute and the whole process will be completely transparent and noone will be excluded. Some more marketing towards Neos is needed and the marketing team discussed the unique features of Neos that would make great marketing items. The editorial team will create an article on Neos, that will be cross-published on T3N and
Currently there are two promotional video´s in production of which one is sponsored by the Swedish company Pixelant. That video needs some reworking and of course rebranding. Both of these video´s will have great marketing value once finished.
Kian gave a budget presentation on the Stuttgart TYPO3 conference T3CON12. It was one of the biggest and most ambitious budget requests.The presentation itself was very promising for next year, but did not contain all the details. Public Relations is a large part of that budget and that is also why Sören was at the meeting. we all like the idea to involve a professional PR agency. Kian is preparing a detailed summary of all different aspect of the budget request and those details will be published shortly.
A new code sprint for is announced for December 6-9 in Wiesbaden. There is a lot of maintenance to be done on and the code sprints are the ideal vehicle to get work done.
We started preparing for <link http:>CeBIT 2013 again, which is one of the important events for TYPO3 marketing.
On the Forge marketing team page you can find a whole <link http: projects team-marketing-public issues>list of topics. Many of the issues are ideas that may come to life at some point. Take a look at this list and let it inspire you to for some input about these topics. It will also give you a good overview of what the current business of the marketing team is.