For the fifth time this year the Extbase team invited members and interested developers for a code sprint. This time the event was held in Hamburg at the offices of Lightwerk GmbH.
8 People answered the call for participation and gathered in Hamburg from Friday, November 16, to Sunday, November 18. The main purpose of this code sprint was to prepare Extbase for the final release of version TYPO3 CMS 6.0, which is slated for November 27. Extbase is a vital part of the TYPO3 core and a basis for futureproof extension development.
- Anja Leichsenring
- Ingo Pfennigstorf
- Maba Heinrichs
- Felix Oertel
- Tymek Motylewski
- Alexander Schnitzler
- Markus Günther
- Tomasz Grzemski

The first thing the participants did was to check out open bug reports and apply as many bugfixes as possible. As we are already in the feature freeze phase, since the beta release of version 6.0, no new features made it into the new Extbase version. New features are postponed, until after final release, to the 6.1 developing branch.
The focus of the sprint lay on finding, reviewing, improving, testing and merging bugfixes. After three intense days of coding and lots of discussions a total of 44 patchsets were merged, all relating to the Extbase and Fluid projects, which are both maintained by the Extbase team. All merged bugfixes should be available in all other versions of TYPO3, especially the LTS (Long Term Support) version 4.5, were backported and merged on the go.
Parallel to previously mentioned work, strategies for upcoming features and improvements were developed, discussed, changed and stored for later use by the enthusiastic team. The unique spirit of creative and passionate developers gathered in one place ignited ideas and plans both fantastic and genious, some maybe foolish. All the dreams and fantasies will help the team to provide a rough roadmap for the next versions.

Right here and now we would like thank Marco Bresch for his spontanous visit and shining a light on some workspaces related issues that popped up. Volker Graubaum brought some cheese cake and took care of the entertaining part by guiding the team through Hamburg's nightlife. Thanks Volker, thanks <link http:>E-net. Thanks goes to the <link http:>Lightwerk GmbH for the room and infrastructure and <link http:>TechDivision for the sponsored beer.
The time that remains until the final release of TYPO3 CMS 6.0 will be used to test Extbase and TYPO3 CMS to ensure it is as stable and reliable as possible and to have the best TYPO3 CMS release ever.
The Extbase team asks every member of the TYPO3 community to test the new version and to report issues to the teams.