Due to some cancellations we have 16 beds left in Laax for the T3BOARD12 taking place 25.02.2012 - 03.03.2012!
There is more than one reason why you should be fast in booking your bed on the next years T3BOARD12. There are some beds left cause of some cancellations. Check out why you should be there and what the mountain and the event is offering anyway and additionally:
- 'literally' the coolest T3-Event! ;-).... get to see old and new faces of the community in a nice cozy atmosphere on the mountain.
- Very nice and big skiing area with the highest peak over 3'000 m:
<link http: www.laax.com interaktive-karte pisten-anlagen section1 _blank>skiing area map - Very modern infrastructure and THE snowboardspot in Europe. That's also why they host next years <link http: opensnowboarding.com _blank>Burton European Open in Laax! And YES this is all happening in OUR week just in front of our noses on Crap Sogn Gion!! So we can check out the worlds best riders live and uncut! (<link http: www.laax.com nc en resort-info events event-detail browse article burton-european-open-2012 _blank>Press Release)
- We'll have probably the worlds best snowboards and skies for exklusive testing for T3BOARD12.
- Last but not least there are always nice powder-runs in Laax and we'll have locals on the mountains and they know the best spots! We had massive snowfall the last few days. Check out the powder <link http: www.laax.com skigebiet wetter-pistenbericht webcams _blank>cams!
So don't wait and register <link http: association.typo3.org _blank>here to save the last beds.
See you on the Hill!
Questions? Please refer to the T3BOARD mailing <link http: lists.typo3.org cgi-bin mailman listinfo t3board _blank>list: