ELTS 9.5 Is Live—Extended Support for TYPO3 CMS Version 9

Categories: TYPO3 CMS Created by Jörg Ems
Software should always make life easier, either for you, your clients, or everyone. Choosing software is often an extensive and challenging process in which there are many things to consider. One of these things is and should be the official software support periods.

Support runtimes have a significant effect on the investment, especially for web applications. Sustainability plays an important role here. So keep an eye on support periods which are a mandatory checklist item while evaluating software.

Order ELTS 9.5

“It is essential that SMEs ensure that their online websites are configured and maintained in a secure manner and that any personal data … is appropriately protected. This will entail running regular security tests against the websites to identify any potential security weaknesses and conducting regular reviews to ensure the site is maintained and updated properly.”, is the recommendation of the European Union’s Agency for Cybersecurity in its Cybersecurity guide for SME.

TYPO3 LTS Major Versions

The TYPO3 community is constantly developing TYPO3 CMS. It publishes a new Long Term Support (LTS) version every 18 months based on a reliable and transparent release schedule.

TYPO3 picked up the LTS principle as one of the first Open Source Content Management Systems in 2011 with the release of TYPO3 4.5 and the promise of a fixed support period of three years. Along with it came the “platform-promise”, which states the system requirement would not change during the LTS period.

The most recent TYPO3 LTS version will be released on October 5, 2021—TYPO3 11 LTS.

The following roadmap chart gives an overview of release dates as well as support times:

The TYPO3 community ensures regular, plannable releases and upgrade cycles, ideal for complex web projects. Guaranteed for three years. After this time, the community support runs out.

What Happens After Community Support Expires?

The short answer is ELTS, the long answer–Extended Long Term Support.

Once the regular community long-term support ends, older TYPO3 versions no longer receive free security and compatibility updates and no longer comply with the applicable IT security laws. You have two options: Upgrading to a newer version of TYPO3 or opting for the Extended Long Term Support, an optional paid support extension. ELTS is offered for an additional three years, extending the support duration of any TYPO3 CMS major version to six years in total.

More Breathing Space With ELTS–a total of 6 years support per major version

Suppose you want to make sure that your TYPO3 website is operating at the highest possible quality. In that case, ELTS is crucial for many reasons and the most important one is your website’s security. Running outdated software can get you in trouble with the law. Since it makes your site vulnerable to security breaches, many countries legally require organizations to run officially supported software.

In addition, ELTS gives more time to prepare an upgrade to a higher TYPO3 version. Or to add new features to an existing web application and time to upgrade custom extensions. The best part–ELTS is fully compliant with current IT law and is fully GDPR compliant.


Even if you cannot upgrade to a newer version of TYPO3 just yet, there is no need to worry. You can extend support for your TYPO3 9.5 instance by ordering one, two, or even three years of ELTS, providing you with bug fixes, security updates, and compatibility updates keeping your TYPO3 instance(s) up-to-date. Plans are available now.

Order ELTS 9.5