Our main goal was to finalize the work which we started about a year ago at the typo3.org Code Sprint in Wiesbaden...
Going back in time, preparing for the future
Back in March 2013 a small group of Marketing and Editorial Team members, known as Christian Händel, Ben van't Ende, Roland Schenke and Boris Hinzer, sat together in Wiesbaden to analyse the existing content structure and potential issues on typo3.org. The output of this gathering was the so called "New Content Concept" for typo3.org which lead us to the following main issues which needed to be tackled sooner rather than later:- typo3.org was only focused on TYPO3 CMS. The other products: Neos, Flow, etc were missing completely
- Illogical Navigation - E.g. "About" contained most of the content about TYPO3 CMS, mixed with News, Brand information, etc. .
- Important content was spread across several subdomains - even with old layouts - seeminglyleft behind - e.g. certification.typo3.org
- No targeted group approach - The content on typo3.org was mainly written for a developer audience and didn't address other groups such as Decision Makers and Users

Decision Makers "Swimming Lane" topics:
- Return on investment
- Case studies
- Security
- Stability
- Future proof
- Professional help
- Key features
- Companies using TYPO3
- Extendibility
- Certification
Users "Swimming Lane" topics:
- First steps
- Learning TYPO3 with tutorials, screencasts, documentation, videos, best practices
- Usergroups
- Get help
- Professional help
- Books
Developers "Swimming Lane" topics:
- Development resources
- Source code, documentation, ext, snippets
- Events
- Contribute
- Extendability
- Kickstart a TYPO3 Project
- Community
- How to get help once stuck
- Usergroups
- System requirements
- Product advice (Flow, Neos, CMS)
First Editorial Sprint - October 2013
After we presented to the "New Content Concept" to marketing team and finally got the approval, we started to get our hands dirty during the first Editorial Sprint in Oktober 2013 at the web-vision Office in Moenchengladbach, Germany. The goal of the sprint was to implement the main points of the new typo3.org Content Concept:- Integration of the existing TYPO3 (CMS, Neos, Flow, Fluid, Surf) products in typo3.org
- Rearranging content for the new About Pages covering the whole TYPO3 Universe
- Logical revision and creation of new content and navigation
- Further Integration of certification.typo3.org
- Rework of existing content
- Creation of a "target group" approach for business decision makers, users and developers in the context of the "Swimming Lanes"
Editorial Sprint - Episode II
This time Episode II of the Editorial Sprint was attended by Roland Schenke, Guido Haase, Moritz Krauß and Boris Hinzer live at the web-vision office. Daniel Siepmann (sick at home) concentrated on producing new content for typo3.org and then pushing it to our permanent remote connection to the United Kingdom where Den Denyer proofread and corrected everything. Also during the Editorial Sprint Ole Hartwig and Daniel Bachmann joined our Sprint to rewrite the Extension for the Certification Listings.
What about the "Swimming Lanes"?
If you take a closer look at the new footer of typo3.org you might also notice that significant changes have been made there. Underneath the first column "Information for..." you will find the "Swimming Lanes" for Decision Makers, Users and Developers. We have asked the design team for their assistance to show some sort of key visual on the "home" of typo3.org. We expect that these landing pages will become far more prominent really soon.What's next?
We still have some smaller tasks which need to be done after this sprint, like "pimping" of existing content with graphics or the integration of the new Certification Listing. The TYPO3 Editorial Team will soon join up with the typo3.org team again in one of their upcoming sprints to work on the further development of typo3.org. Also new, very interesting projects have been started during this Editorial Sprint which will shift typo3.org to the next level. We are really looking forward to working on these matters again as soon as possible.Thank You Very Much!
We would like to thank the following people and parties which helped us to reach our goals:- The <link http: association.typo3.org _blank>TYPO3 Association for granting budgets for accommodation, food and travel costs for our Editorial Sprints
- All participants at the above mentioned sprints - what a great community!
- Ben and Olivier for always having an open ear for our concerns and questions
- <link http: www.web-vision.de _blank>web-vision GmbH for hosting the Editorial Sprints
- The <link http: forge.typo3.org projects team-t3o-relaunch-week _blank>typo3.org Team for having us at their sprint and their great ongoing cooperation
- The <link>TYPO3 Marketing Team for helping us to unfold our creativity and believing in our concepts
- The <link>TYPO3 Server Team - for always being available, even on weekends
- The <link>TYPO3 Certification Team and <link>Educational Committee - for great responses and new thoughts
- The <link>TYPO3 Design Team - always a pleasure to work with you
- Everybody else we forgot or we reached out to via Twitter, Facebook or Slack - saying it with the words of of Moritz "Community is all about friendship".