The TYPO3 Association (T3A) is proud to announce the Dialogue Days. It is a new event and the first time we try this concept. If it turns out to be successful, we will add the Dialogue Days to the list of official events like the Snowboard Tour, the TYPO3 Conference, and the Developer Days.
What are the Dialogue Days about?
As a Swiss association we have to hold a yearly <link http: general-assembly ref assoc _blank informations about the general assembly of typo3>General Assembly (GA). The GA was never a very exciting event and because of its formal character was not an attractive event to go to. Few members take the opportunity to join the GA, use their right to vote and meet up with members of the board, the expert advisory board or the business control committee of the TYPO3 Association. One of our major goals as an Association is to improve the communication towards our community and members. It is our vision to act as bridge builders to support our products success, to uphold the spirit in the community, and to act as a professional organisation to the outside world.
Combining the General Assembly with the “TYPO3 Dialogue Days 2015: share, inspire, work” provides us, as an association, the possibility to share this vision with the community and to involve you. What we aim for at the event is to have the different teams meet at one location and have joint teams sprints. It provides the basis to build “cross team / mixed teams” and to work on interdisciplinary issues.
One major goal is to create an intense dialogue between the TYPO3 Association and all the TYPO3 teams.
Our goals in details are:
- visualise the work of the TYPO3 Association and provide transparency inspiring people to participate in the TYPO3 project,
- improve the interaction with our members,
- communicate with members about their expectations and problems,
- attract more members or potential contributors for teams, working groups, committees or official bodies (Board, EAB, BCC),
- involve active contributors and people of our community.
The Dialogue Days 2015 will take place on April 13 -15 in the <link http: _blank in>Unperfekthaus in Essen.
The Unperfekthaus is a well-known location for TYPO3 sprints and for the TYPO3camp Rhein-Ruhr. The event is unfortunately limited to 50 attendees. The official bodies of the T3A (Board, EAB, BCC) will be there for the the GA, so that leaves 25 spots available.
Who should attend?
Anyone who likes to contribute to the success of the TYPO3 projects, its teams, products, and people. We recommend that you are an active contributor or part of one of the teams.
<link bu for typo3 dialogue days>[Apply now]
What can we offer?
Costs for the location, food, and beverages are fully covered. Attendees from teams can use their teams budget for travel and hotel costs.
The Unperfekthaus provides an excellent infrastructure. Three rooms are available for collaborative purposes of the groups.
What have we planned to do?
This event will have an open agenda. While we have a scheduled program, we expect to form at least three working groups to work together on different topics on spot. The concrete tasks and groups will be planned before the event on our <link http: typo3_dialogue_days_2015 _blank page at>wiki page. Additionally, we are having a meta topic for the first two days: on April 13 the strategy for the TYPO3 Association for the next years will be presented and discussed.
On April 14, the General Assembly will be held. In the morning there will be a questions and answers session.
Sponsoring needed!
Sponsoring the TYPO3 Dialogue Days is a great way to support the project of TYPO3 by fostering the way Community and Association interact, as well as by supporting cross-team exchange. Your sponsoring will be announced in the report about the Dialogue Days and you will have your logo and backlink on the event’s page of the TYPO3 Dialogue Days. Sponsoring is available in two packages: 500 € Silver sponsoring and 1000 € Gold sponsoring.
<link bu the typo3 dialogue days>SPONSOR now!
Do you have further questions?
If you have any questions regarding the event please <link stefan>contact Stefan Busemann.