Finally someone had the guts to finish CSS styled IMGTEXT tHNx Ernesto!!
Ernesto Baschny of Cron-It finished the "css-styled-imgtext" I originally started with Ingmar and was maintained by Andreas Schwarzkopf, but shamelessly never finished by us. It turns out to be an absolut must in TYPO3 and I will lobby to get it into the CORE of TYPO3. This is what Ernesto writes about it:
<blockquote><em>Proof of concept: A working css_styled_imgtext with alt/title fields, support for borders, noRows, multiple columns and multiple rendering engines (DL/UL/DIV/custom). No TABLE tag needed!</em></blockquote>
* All positioning actually work, even above-center, below-center, etc.
* The "border" setting is respected as "just another" CSS class added to the thing. You can then customize the border as you wish in CSS. Default CSS provides a border just like in content (default) (2px black).
* The user can choose how many columns to display! This was the mostannoying thing in the current original css_styled_imgtext. The "floathorizontal" field was removed, and code was added to allow images to wrap in the correct amount of columns.
* The alt and title Attributes for the IMG-tag actually work as you expect them to: "alt" is always added, even if the value is empty. "title" is just added if something is entered for this picture in the "title" field.
* Intext-Nowrap actually works also on Firefox. This is when the images column is left "alone", and the text doesn't wrap around it.
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