Community Budget Idea: Improving Documentation for New Integrators and Developers

Categories: Budget idea, Community, Documentation Created by Maike Kiebele
Screenshot of a TYPO3 tutorial webpage titled Getting Started Tutorial. The page includes sections like Prerequisites, Concepts, Installation, and First Project Setup, with buttons to learn more about each topic. The layout is clean and structured.
The TYPO3 Documentation Team has enhanced the resources available to new integrators and developers, delivering a completely revamped Getting Started Tutorial. With updated content and new sections, this guide is designed to help newcomers confidently navigate TYPO3 from day one.

The Importance of the Getting Started Tutorial

The Getting Started Tutorial is featured prominently on the TYPO3 documentation landing page and serves as a key resource for newcomers. It’s the first introduction to TYPO3 for integrators and developers, and serves as a useful tool for evaluators and decision-makers comparing TYPO3 to other CMSs.

Because it fills such an important role, it needs to cover a broad range of material to introduce TYPO3 effectively, while also including enough detail to be practical and actionable. Recognizing its importance, we’ve concentrated significant effort into improving it to ensure it meets these goals.

TYPO3 Concepts: Basics Simplified

One of the biggest innovations is the introduction of a new section: TYPO3 Concepts. This section breaks down essential TYPO3 basics into clear, beginner-friendly explanations, making it easier than ever to understand the core ideas behind the platform. It spans topics from the frontend and backend to TypoScript, TSConfig, caching, the TCA, and more.

Setting Up Your First Project: Next Steps After Installation

The First Project Setup chapter has been completely revised and is aimed specifically at beginners who have completed their first TYPO3 installation. We guide readers step-by-step through the next tasks from the first configurations to the creation of a site package.

A key focus of this chapter is the creation of a site package. We explain how to create a site package with the site package builder, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of this method. For those who want to understand the process from scratch, we link to the site-package tutorial, which offers detailed instructions.

Extensions: Everything You Need to Know

The revised Extensions chapter offers a detailed overview of this critical topic, including:

  • What extensions are and their role in TYPO3.
  • Tips for finding and evaluating extensions.
  • A step-by-step guide to creating a custom extension, ideal for users looking to customize their TYPO3 installation.
  • A curated list of recommended extensions that make it easier to get started and are useful additions to any project.

Glossary: Key Terms Explained

We’ve added a glossary to provide quick and simple explanations of the most important TYPO3 terms and concepts. Frequently used technical terms are defined in short, easy-to-understand sections.

Take a Look

All the results of our work are now live and available. We encourage you to explore the updated Getting Started Tutorial and share it with newcomers who might benefit from these resources.

If you have feedback or suggestions, we’d love to hear from you — please reach out to the TYPO3 Documentation Team to help us continue to improve our support material.

Additional contributors for this article
  • Copy Editor : Felicity Brand
  • Content Publisher : Mathias Bolt Lesniak