- ?ukasz Uzna?ski
- Marcin Lis
?ukasz Uzna?ski, Tomasz St?pniak, Marcin Lis, Jan Helke, Anja Leichsenring, Tymoteusz Motylewski, Krystian Szymukowicz, Micha? Jankiewicz, Karol Lamparski - Not in the picture: Zbigniew Jacko (taking photo), Przemys?aw Krukowski Currently there is a working prototype of the Analyzer, we hope to merge during this sprint. In parallel to the Install Tool module, the team is working on implemention of the detection mechanism for all potentially breaking changes. This is an huge amount of work, but we believe it is totally worthwhile when the outcome is a smooth migration process. Here is a link to the forge issue describing the idea: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/75690 One of the other topics we're working on is language handling. This topic is lead by me. The concept for this was developed during the past User eXperience Week. Moving forward this topic is important in order to ensure future proof language handling. The basis for our work lies in analyzing different architecture approaches and documenting use cases. We're also looking into topics which can be improved still in v7 and 8.
- Here is our codesprint kanban board: https://forger.typo3.org/sprint?&boardId=CodeSprint
- Sprint wiki page: https://wiki.typo3.org/Development/Sprints/2016/September