Call for Budget Application Ideas—Association Budget 2022

Categories: Community, Association Created by Daniel Fau
Closed, black notebook with the words "write ideas" in red uppercase sans-serif letters.
Photo: Aaron Burden /
The Business Control Committee (BCC) is asking the TYPO3 community to submit their ideas for the 2022 Association budget. For this year we would like to focus on innovative ideas to foster and grow TYPO3 and the community.

In an earlier article, the Board introduced the new budget process for the Association budget for 2022. With the Business Control Committee (BCC) now being in charge of the process, transparency is increased and communication to budget owners is improved, allowing the Board to put a stronger focus on strategic budget positions. The BCC is now inviting members of the TYPO3 community and all interested persons to actively take part in the budget process and to submit their innovative budget ideas.

Total Funds Available for 2022

In coordination with the Treasurer of the TYPO3 Association, the Board is releasing the available budget sum for 2022. Due to the fact that maintenance and development are no longer allocated in the budget process, released funds are significantly lower than in previous years.

Total Funds available for 2022: €200,000

Please consider this amount as a forecast—it may change according to the actual financial situation.

Distribution of Funds

Due to the new responsibility of the budget process, funds are no longer distributed on a special field of interest. As infrastructure and development are already covered, we are solely interested in innovative ideas to foster and grow the TYPO3 community and number of TYPO3 Association members. More members will create a higher income for the Association which will lead to more funds which can be allocated in the future years. What ideas can you bring to the table?

Ideas can be submitted from now until 28th of February 2022:

Submit Your Budget Application Idea

The ideas will be rated in an Association member poll and strategically weighted and selected by the Budget Committee. Selected ideas will be eligible for submitting a budget application.

Member Involvement

The members of the TYPO3 Association stay involved in the budget process. The following opportunities exist to contribute and give feedback:

Member Poll

In March, the BCC will ask its members to rate the ideas submitted and to give feedback to the distribution of funds in the other two pools. The Budget Committee will take the results of the member poll into consideration for the finalization of the 2022 Association budget and strategy.

Submission of Ideas

The submission of ideas to the Association Budget is open to everyone and we would like to encourage the TYPO3 Association members to play an active role here. We have the once in a year chance to substantially contribute to TYPO3 and its ecosystems.


The BCC remains available by email to answer your questions and will publish a consolidated FAQ should the need arise.

Contact the BCC: bcc(at)


Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and timing for the General Assembly we have worked out the timeline:

  • Budget Idea Collection until 28 February 2022
  • Budget Poll for the members of the TYPO3 Association 19 March to 3 April 2022
  • Budget decision at the board meeting 6 April 2022
  • Budget Agreement by the General Assembly on 10 May 2022


The budget process for the 2022 Association budget is now launched. We are looking forward to receiving your ideas and feedback.

Submit Your Budget Application Idea

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