Become a member? Why should I?

Categories: Association Created by Dominic Brander

With becoming a member of the TYPO3 Association you keep this great open source project going on. This yearly share enables the programmers to continue their work for the TYPO3 project according to the published roadmap!

Becoming a member does not mean to give money to an anonymous institution but to show respect of the great work many people are doing day and night and motivate them to invest further time and talent.

In addition there are a number of additional benefits for members while they should never become the main reason for membership:

  • As a company member you can get listed on (fulfillment of the criteria assumed).
  • Every member of the T3A is entitled to put the T3A banner on the website to show it supports this open source project.
  • Every individual member gets a discount of EUR 50.00 when participating at the snowboard-tour.
    Company members even get a reduction of EUR 50.00 for every employee attending the snowboard-tour!
  • Individual members also get another discount of EUR 50.00 when attending the TYCON3 conference.
  • The same for companies: Employees of company members get a reduction of EUR 50.00.

Thanks for all your great support - be it financial, infrastructural or by your work!