An Open Discussion on the TYPO3 Association Budget Ideas for 2021

Categories: Community, Association Created by Rachel Foucard
As you may already know, the Board launched a process to generate ideas for the 2021 Budget. We have received so many great ideas that we’d like you to help us select from them.

Here is a quick overview of the 2021 budget pools: The budget for 2021 is €1,150,000. Please be aware this amount is a forecast and may change in accordance with the actual financial situation. The funds will be distributed into four pools: 

  • Innovation, Education, and Events Pool: €310,000
  • Development Pool: €500,000
  • Infrastructure Pool: €300,000
  • Travel Costs Pool: €40,000

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Innovation, Education and Events Pool: Call for Applications

For this pool, we first asked you to submit your ideas. We accepted submissions until 7 November, 2020. The campaign was so successful that we collected more than 80 ideas, demonstrating the TYPO3 community’s enthusiastic support for this inclusive approach. Because some ideas were similar and others had already been taken up by the Core Team, we pre-selected and grouped the submitted ideas. 

Intermediate Stage: Budget Ideas Open Discussion

To narrow down the remaining ideas to a final list, we’re creating a Budget Poll for TYPO3 Association Members.  Ahead of the poll, we’ve opened a discussion forum on the 2021 budget pre-selected ideas. This way, all questions can be asked, opinions can be discussed, and we can select the best ideas for the next step: the Budget Poll. This discussion board will remain open until 22 November.

Budget Poll for the TYPO3 Association Members

Based on your feedback in the discussion forum, we’ll select a shortlist of ideas from those submitted to the "Innovation, Education, and Events Pool" and ask you to rate them. We’ll also ask you to give feedback on the distribution of funds in the other three pools. The Budget Committee will consider these member poll results when finalizing the Association’s 2021 budget and strategy.

(Each idea in the poll will also include the option for you to declare interest in implementing the idea.) 

Updated Roadmap

  • 7 November 2020: Deadline for Budget Ideas Collection
  • 22 November 2020: Deadline for Budget Ideas Open Discussion
  • 23 November 2020 to 6 December 2020: Budget Poll for members of the TYPO3 Association 
  • 10 December 2020: Budget decision at the board meeting 
  • Budget Agreements will be sent out in December and must be returned before 31 December 2020

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If you have any questions, the Budget Committee is available by email. We’ll publish a consolidated FAQ, should the need arise.

Contact the Budget Committee at budget(at)

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