- Report of the cashier on the reorganisation of the back office and of the related matters, such as the reimbursement of costs
- Report of the president regarding the OASIS membership of the TYPO3 Association. Members of the TYPO3 Association can join the different workgroups of the OASIS technical consortium. If you are interested to join, please contact our Executive Secretary Naike Beggiato for a first initial contact
- The TYPO3 Association has joined the CMS Garden (<link http: www.cms-garden.org>www.cms-garden.org) earlier this year as a member and looks forward to work together with everyone that is involved and interested to represent the TYPO3 projects. Please contact our community manager <link http: typo3.org community community-manager-corner>Ben as a first point of contact if you want to join one of the upcoming events
- Status of the introduction of our new Executive Secretary Naike Beggiato.

- Short report on the TYPO3 Association Members Survey 2014. A longer presentation on the results will follow soon, once the survey has been analysed.
- Status and outlook of the community management activities
- Martin Wiederkehr reported from his visit at the ACME in Nuremberg. He enjoyed meeting the CMS Team and the insights he gained from his stay.
- The TYPO3 Association seeks to streamline its toolset for the work and researches different solutions. A workgroup will gather the requirements and propose a solution by the end of next quarter
- Organisational committee: We are working on a clear definition on responsibilities of the <link https: association.typo3.org board ref assoc>Board, the <link https: association.typo3.org expert-advisory-board ref assoc>EAB, the Executive Secretary and the community manager. It is our goal, that it is easier for everyone to find the right contact person. The result will be a matrix with topics and contact persons.