Discontinuation of the Subversion Service at svn.typo3.org

Categories: Development, Community Created by Steffen Gebert
Five years after the move of TYPO3 CMS to Git, the Subversion server svn.typo3.org will be shut down on May 1st, 2016.
Since TYPO3 changed the version control system from Subversion to Git and Gerrit <link https: typo3.org news article typo3-core-repository-migrated-to-git _blank>back in March 2011, it is now time to discontinue the SVN support provided by the TYPO3 infrastructure.
The Subversion server will be switched off on May 1st, 2016 and extension authors that still rely on the system are adviced to move their data to other infrastructure. Following the general trend, we suggest to move to other open source code hosting platforms like <link https: github.com _blank>GitHub or <link https: bitbucket.org _blank>Bitbucket.
To ease the migration to Git, we already provide all SVN repositories converted to (read-only) Git repositories in the <link https: github.com typo3-svn-archive _blank>TYPO3-svn-archive organization on Github. From there, it is easy to <link https: help.github.com articles duplicating-a-repository _blank>copy the repository to your own account.
If your deployment process still relies on SVN as source for extensions, you can also access Github repositories through SVN, as described in their <link https: help.github.com articles support-for-subversion-clients _blank>help. In case of any issues, please contact the TYPO3 Server Admin Team via <link>admin@typo3.org.