Meet TYPO3 at
OSPOs for Good

New York, NY, USA

OSPOs for Good looks at open source networks as enables of global digital communitcation. The event is an action symposium that “aims to serve as a high-level coming out party for open source in the UN system, delivering high-level thematic tracks that address key areas of open source policy, as well as highlighting emerging examples of ‘open source for good’ from across the globe. It will prominently highlight the theme of ‘open source networks as enablers of global cooperation’.”

The event is organized by the United Nations Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology, the United Nation’s Office of Information and Communications Technology, OSPO++, and OpenForum Europe.

OSPOs, or Open Source Program Offices, “is the center of competency for an organization’s open source operations and structure,” according to the Yahoo Open Source Developer Guide. “This can include setting code use, distribution, selection, auditing and other policies, as well as training developers, ensuring legal compliance and promoting and building community engagement that benefits the organization strategically.” OSPOs can exist within companies, NGOs, and governments. As they can support sustained long-term use of free and open-source software, they are therefore interesting for the TYPO3 Community Expansion Committee’s efforts in the Global South.

TYPO3 is interested in supporting the creation of more OSPOs, and both TYPO3 Project Ambassador Mathias Bolt Lesniak and TYPO3 Expansion Committee Leader Daniel Homorodean will be present at the event.

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