TYPO3 Code of Conduct

Short link to this page: typo3.org/coc

This code of conduct was voted into effect through a community vote that ended 7 March 2022. It has not been modified since.

The Short Version

Be constructive and considerate, respect other people's boundaries.
Consider your actions—are they OK?


The Code of Conduct is here to ensure everyone feels safe and welcome in the TYPO3 community. It defines general rules and gives advice on how to behave.

Don’t be afraid to be yourself, but be your best. You are a free individual with the right to your own personal views and values. However, you also have the responsibility to treat people with respect.

This Code is using general terms and expects you to judge each situation by yourself. Even when acting with the best intentions, please understand that others might judge a situation differently to you. Stop when asked to. That’s your warning. You shouldn’t need more.

Local law might be more restrictive than this Code.

Applicability and Scope

This Code of Conduct applies to all persons present at or in the following:

  • Official TYPO3 events
  • Official TYPO3 community events (e.g. team sprints)
  • Official TYPO3 communication platforms (e.g. Slack)
  • Interaction between community members
  • Other events that explicitly declare that the CoC applies.

This also includes sponsors, speakers, and staff at events, for the entire duration of the event.

The Code of Conduct contains two sections:

  1. The Basic Rules are binding and should always be followed. Going against them will have consequences.
  2. General Advice illustrates ideals we strive to uphold. You’re expected to try your best, but nobody is perfect.

Basic Rules

We hold these rules to be self-evident:

  1. Treat all community members with respect, regardless of race, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, national origin, ethnicity, beliefs, religion, etc.
  2. Respect bodily integrity and refrain from physically intrusive behavior.
  3. Do not start, continue, or encourage personal attacks, flame wars, and trolling.
  4. We do not tolerate harassment, personal attacks, or demeaning behavior. This includes intrusive photography or recording, unwanted sexual attention, and deliberate stalking or following.
  5. Do not disrupt talks and other organized events.
  6. Use valid contact information (e.g. Slack, e-mail, etc.) to which direct responses can be made.

General Advice

Try to …

  1. Give credit when it is deserved.
  2. Ask for help when you are unsure.
  3. Get outside help if you are stuck in a disagreement.
  4. Be respectful of people’s volunteer time.
  5. Be positive and give constructive feedback.
  6. Be aware that language can be difficult—sarcasm and irony is not understood by everyone.

Translations of the Code of Conduct

نصائح عامّة

حاول أن…

  1. تقول شكراً لِمن يستحق الشكر.
  2. تطلب المساعدة عندما تكون مُتردداً في شيء ما.
  3. تحصل على مساعدة من أطراف خارجيّة إذا كنت عالقاً في خلافٍ ما.
  4. تحترم الوقت التطوعي للآخرين.
  5. تكون إيجابيّاً وقدم ردود فعل بنّاءة.
  6. تنتبه إلى اللغة التي تتكلّم بها، فبعض النُكات أو الفكاهة أو السخرية من شيء ما، قد تكون صعبة الفهم لدى الجميع.

القواعد الأساسية

نحن نعتبر هذه القواعد من البَدِيهِيّات:

  1. تعامل مع جميع أعضاء المجتمع بإحترام، بِغضّ النظر عن العرق، أو الجنس، أو العمر، أو التوجه، أو الإعاقة، أو المظهر الخارجي، أو الهُوِيَّة الوطنية، أو المعتقدات، أو الديانة، والخ. 
  2. احترم خصوصية التعامل بالجسد وامتنع عن السلوكيات الجسديّة الخادشة للحياء. 
  3. لا تبدأ، ولا تشجّع على العنف الجسدي أوعلى الشَخصَنَة، والحُروب الكلامية، والتحريض على الغير. 
  4. نحن لا نتسامح أبداً مع التحرش الجنسي، الهجمات الشخصية، أو السلوك المُهين مع الآخرين. يشمل ذلك التصوير والتجسس على الآخرين، والايماءات الجنسية، ومتابعة الشخص أو مُراقبته عن عَمْد. 
  5. لا تَقُم بتعطيل المُحادثات والأحداث والفَعاليات الأخُرى المنظمة. 
  6. استخدم معلومات تواصل صحيحة (مثل Slack، والبريد الإلكتروني، وما إلى ذلك) والتي يُمكن الردّ عليها بشكل مباشر. 



  1. 尊重所有社区成员,不分种族、性别认同、年龄、性取向、残疾、外貌、国籍、民族、信仰、宗教等;
  2. 尊重他人的身体限制,不要打扰他人; 
  3. 请勿对他人进行人身攻击、侮辱或挑衅,并且继续或鼓励这种行为;  
  4. 我们不容忍骚扰、人身攻击或有辱人格的行为,包括侵入性拍照和摄影、不受欢迎的色情评论以及故意尾随或跟踪;
  5. 不要扰乱讲座或活动; 
  6. 使用有效的联系信息(例如 Slack、E-Mail等),以便其他人可以直接与您联系。


  1. 请及时给予他人应得的表扬;
  2. 请在不确定时寻求帮助;
  3. 请在意见分歧时寻求外界帮助;
  4. 请尊重志愿者的荣誉工作;
  5. 请积极提供建设性的反馈;
  6. 请谨言慎语 - 并非每个人都能理解挖苦和讽刺。



  1. 尊重所有社區成員,不分種族、性別認同、年齡、性取向、殘疾、外貌、國籍、民族、信仰、宗教等;
  2. 尊重他人的身體限制,不要打擾他人; 
  3. 請勿對他人進行人身攻擊、侮辱或挑釁,並且繼續或鼓勵這種行為;  
  4. 我們不容忍騷擾、人身攻擊或有辱人格的行為,包括侵入性拍照和攝影、不受歡迎的色情評論以及故意尾隨或跟踪;
  5. 不要擾亂講座或活動;
  6. 使用有效的聯繫信息(例如 Slack、E-Mail等),以便其他人可以直接與您聯繫。


  1.  請及時給予他人應得的表揚;
  2. 請在不確定時尋求幫助;
  3. 請在意見分歧時尋求外界幫助;
  4. 請尊重志願者的榮譽工作;
  5. 請積極提供建設性的反饋;
  6. 請謹言慎語 - 並非每個人都能理解挖苦和諷刺。

Osnovna pravila

Smatramo da su ova pravila očigledna:

  1. Ponašajte se s poštovanjem prema svim članovima zajednice, bez obzira na rasu, rodni identitet, dob, seksualnu orijentaciju, invaliditet, fizički izgled, nacionalno podrijetlo, etničku pripadnost, uvjerenja, vjeru itd.
  2. Poštujte tjelesni integritet i suzdržite se od fizički nametljivog ponašanja. 
  3. Nemojte počinjati, nastavljati ili poticati osobne napade, negativne rasprave i trolanje.  
  4. Ne toleriramo uznemiravanje, osobne napade ili ponižavajuće ponašanje. To uključuje nametljivo fotografiranje ili snimanje, neželjenu seksualnu pažnju i namjerno uhođenje ili praćenje.
  5. Nemojte ometati govore i druge organizirane događaje.
  6. Koristite valjane podatke za kontakt (npr. Slack, e-poštu, itd.) na koje možete izravno odgovoriti.

Općenita pravila

Pokušajte ...

  1. Dajte pohvalu po zasluzi
  2. Zatražite pomoć ukoliko niste sigurni
  3. Potražite pomoć ako ste zapeli u nesporazumu.
  4. Poštujte volontersko vrijeme ljudi.
  5. Budite pozitivni i dajte konstruktivne povratne informacije.
  6. Budite svjesni da jezik može biti težak - sarkazam i ironiju ne razumiju svi.

Grundlæggende regler

Vi anser disse regler for at være indlysende:

  1. Behandl alle medlemmer af fællesskabet med respekt, uanset race, kønsidentitet, alder, seksuel orientering, handicap, fysisk fremtoning, national oprindelse, etnicitet, tro, religion osv.
  2. Respekter den kropslige integritet og afstå fra fysisk påtrængende adfærd. 
  3. Du må ikke starte, fortsætte eller opmuntre til personlige angreb, flammekrige og trolling.  
  4. Vi tolererer ikke chikane, personlige angreb eller nedgørende adfærd. Dette inkluderer påtrængende fotografering eller optagelse, uønsket seksuel opmærksomhed og bevidst stalking eller forfølgelse.
  5. Forstyr ikke taler og andre organiserede begivenheder.
  6. Brug gyldige kontaktoplysninger (f.eks. Slack, e-mail osv.), som kan besvares direkte.

Generelle råd

Forsøg at …

  1. Giv anerkendelse, når det er fortjent.
  2. Bed om hjælp, når du er usikker.
  3. Få hjælp udefra, hvis du sidder fast i en uenighed.
  4. Vær respektfuld over for folks frivillige tid.
  5. Vær positiv og giv konstruktiv feedback.
  6. Vær opmærksom på, at sprog kan være svært – sarkasme og ironi forstås ikke af alle.


Deze regels beschouwen wij als vanzelfsprekend:

  1. Behandel alle leden van de community met respect, ongeacht ras, genderidentiteit, leeftijd, seksuele geaardheid, handicap, fysieke verschijning, nationale afkomst, etniciteit, overtuigingen, religie, etc. 
  2. Respecteer de lichamelijke integriteit en onthoud u van fysiek opdringerig gedrag. 
  3. Begin niet, ga niet door met persoonlijke aanvallen, flame wars en trolling en moedig ze niet aan.  
  4. We tolereren geen intimidatie, persoonlijke aanvallen of vernederend gedrag. Dit omvat opdringerige fotografie of opname, ongewenste seksuele aandacht en opzettelijk stalken of volgen. 
  5. Verstoor lezingen en andere georganiseerde evenementen niet. 
  6. Gebruik geldige contactgegevens (bijv. Slack, e-mail, enz.) waarop direct kan worden gereageerd. 

Algemeen advies

Probeer om …

  1. Geef credits wanneer het verdiend is. 
  2. Vraag om hulp als je het niet zeker weet. 
  3. Roep hulp van buitenaf in als je vast komt te zitten in een meningsverschil. 
  4. Respecteer de vrijwilligerstijd van mensen. 
  5. Wees positief en geef constructieve feedback. 
  6. Houd er rekening mee dat taal moeilijk kan zijn - sarcasme en ironie wordt niet door iedereen begrepen. 

Règles de base

Nous considérons que ces règles sont évidentes :

  1. Traiter tous les membres de la communauté avec respect, sans distinction de race, d'identité sexuelle, d'âge, d'orientation sexuelle, de handicap, d'apparence physique, d'origine nationale, d'ethnie, de croyances, de religion, etc. 
  2. Respecter l'intégrité corporelle et s'abstenir de tout comportement physiquement intrusif. 
  3. Ne lancez pas, ne poursuivez pas et n'encouragez pas les attaques personnelles, les guerres de mots et les trolls.  
  4. Nous ne tolérons pas le harcèlement, les attaques personnelles ou les comportements dégradants. Cela inclut les photographies ou les enregistrements intrusifs, les attentions sexuelles non désirées et le harcèlement ou la filature délibérés. 
  5. Ne perturbez pas les conférences et autres événements organisés. 
  6. Utilisez des coordonnées valides (par exemple, Slack, e-mail, etc.) auxquelles des réponses directes peuvent être apportées. 

Conseils généraux

Essayez :

  1. D'accorder du crédit lorsqu'il est mérité. 
  2. De demander de l'aide lorsque vous n'êtes pas sûr de vous. 
  3. De demander de l'aide extérieure si vous êtes coincé dans un désaccord. 
  4. De respecter le temps que les gens consacrent au bénévolat. 
  5. D'être positif et de donner un feedback constructif. 
  6. Sachez que le langage peut être difficile - le sarcasme et l'ironie ne sont pas compris par tout le monde. 


Diese Regeln sind für uns selbstverständlich:

  1. Behandle alle Mitglieder der Community mit Respekt, unabhängig von Rasse, Geschlechtsidentität, Alter, sexueller Orientierung, Behinderung, Aussehen, nationaler Herkunft, ethnischer Zugehörigkeit, Glauben, Religion usw.
  2. Respektiere die körperlichen Grenzen anderer Menschen und verhalte dich nicht aufdringlich. 
  3. Beginne keine persönlichen Angriffe, Beleidigungen und Trolling, führe sie weiter oder ermutige andere dazu.
  4. Wir dulden keine Belästigungen, persönliche Angriffe oder erniedrigendes Verhalten. Dazu gehören aufdringliches Fotografieren und Filmen, unerwünschte sexualisierte Kommentare und vorsätzliches Stalken oder Verfolgen. 
  5. Störe Vorträge oder Veranstaltungen nicht.
  6. Nutze gültige Kontaktinformationen (z.B. Slack, E-Mail usw.), damit andere Leute dich direkt kontaktieren können. 

Allgemeine Hinweise

  1. Zolle Anerkennung, wenn die Person es verdient hat. 
  2. Frage nach Hilfe, wenn du dir unsicher bist. 
  3. Hol dir Hilfe von außen, wenn du in einer Meinungsverschiedenheit feststeckst. 
  4. Respektiere die freiwillige und ehrenamtliche Arbeit. 
  5. Sei positiv und gib konstruktives Feedback. 
  6. Beachte, dass Sprache schwierig sein kann - Sarkasmus und Ironie wird nicht von jeder Person verstanden. 

महत्वपूर्ण सलाह

कोशिश करें ...

  1. जब कोई क्षण को सम्मान की जरूरत हो तब उसे क्रेडिट दें।
  2. अगर आप संदेह में हैं, तो सहायता के लिए पूछें।
  3. अगर आप कोई असंमति में हो रहे हैं, तो बाहरी सहायता प्राप्त करें।
  4. लोगों के स्वेच्छा से काम करने वाले का समय सम्मान करें।
  5. सकारात्मक रहें और निर्मल सुझाव दें। 
  6. ध्यान रखें कि भाषा कठिन हो सकती है - सार्कास्ट और इरोनी सब को समझ में नहीं आती। 

बेसिक नियम

हम ये नियम स्वतंत्र स्पष्ट स्थान रखते हैं

  1. सभी समुदाय सदस्यों को सम्मान के साथ संवेदनशील रूप से बतायें, जो कि रेस, जेंडर पहचान, आयु, सेक्सुअल ओरिएंटेशन, दिव्यांगता, शारीरिक दिखने की, राष्ट्रीय उत्पत्ति, जाति, विश्वास, धार्मिक आदि से संबंधित नहीं
  2. शारीरिक स्थिति को सम्मान करें और शारीरिक सम्बन्ध से असंबद्ध व्यवहार से बचें
  3. व्यक्तिगत हमलों, आग वर्स, और ट्रोलिंग को शुरू न करें, जारी न रखें या समर्थित न करें
  4. "हम हमले, व्यक्तिगत हमले या अपमानजनक व्यवहार को सहन नहीं करते। यह अतिक्रमणकारी फोटोग्राफी या रिकॉर्डिंग, अवांछित सेक्सुअल ध्यान, और सावधानी से स्टाकिंग या अग्रसरी शामिल है
  5. कुछ बोलचाल और अन्य संयोजित कार्यक्रमों में बाधा न डालें।
  6. संपर्क करने के लिए मान्य संपर्क जानकारी (उदाहरण के लिए स्लैक, ईमेल आदि) का उपयोग करें, जिससे सीधे प्रतिक्रिया की जा सके।

Aturan Dasar

Kami memegang aturan ini untuk menjadi dasar dari prisip kami:

  1. Memperlakukan semua anggota masyarakat dengan hormat, tanpa memandang ras, identitas gender, usia, disabilitas, penampilan fisik, asal kebangsaan, suku, kepercayaan, agama, dll. 
  2. Mengormati integritas dan menghindari perilaku yang mengganggu secara fisik. 
  3. Jangan memulai, melanjutkan, atau mendorong konflik pribadi, perkelahian, dan saling mengolok.  
  4. Kami tidak mentolerir pelecehan, perilaku agresif, atau perilaku yang merendahkan. Ini termasuk membuat gambar gambar atau rekaman yang mengganggu, pelecehan seksual dengan mengikuti dengan sengaja. 
  5. Jangan mengganggu pembicaraan dan acara yang terorganisir lainnya. 
  6. Gunakan informasi kontak yang valid (mis. Slack, email, dll.) yang dapat ditanggapi secara langsung. 

Saran Umum

Mencoba untuk …

  1. Berikan pujian jika memang pantas. 
  2. Mintalah bantuan saat Anda tidak yakin. 
  3. Dapatkan bantuan dari luar jika Anda masuk dalam perselisihan. 
  4. Hormati waktu luang yang diberikan orang lain. 
  5. Bersikaplah positif dan berikan umpan balik yang membangun. 
  6. Sadarilah bahwa bahasa tidak selalu bisa dipahami terkadang sulit terkesan sarkastik dan tidak mudah dipahami oleh semua orang. 

Regole di base

Consideriamo queste regole ovvie

  1. Tratta tutti i membri della comunità con rispetto indipendentemente dalla razza, identità di genere, età, orientamento sessuale, disabilità, aspetto fisico, nazionalità di origine, etnia, credenze, religione, ecc. 
  2. Rispetta l'integrità fisica ed evita comportamenti fisicamente invadenti. 
  3. Non iniziare, proseguire o incoraggiare attacchi personali, risse virtuali e trolling.  
  4. Non tolleriamo molestie, attacchi personali o comportamenti degradanti. Questo include fotografie o registrazioni intrusive, attenzioni sessuali indesiderate e stalking o pedinamento intenzionale. 
  5. Non disturbare le conferenze ed altri eventi organizzati. 
  6. Utilizza informazioni di contatto valide (ad es. Slack, e-mail, ecc.) a cui è possibile fornire risposte dirette. 

Raccomandazioni generiche

Cerca di ...

  1. Riconoscere il merito quando è dovuto 
  2. Chiedere aiuto quando non sei sicuro. 
  3. Cercare aiuto all’esterno se sei bloccato in una disputa. 
  4. Essere rispettoso del tempo di volontariato delle persone. 
  5. Essere positivo e dare suggerimenti costruttivi. 
  6. Tenere presente che il linguaggio può essere problematico: sarcasmo ed ironia non sono compresi da tutti. 

Grunnleggende regler

Vi anser disse regler for å være selvinnlysende:

  1. Behandle alle medlemmer av fellesskapet med respekt, uansett rase, kjønnsidentitet, alder, seksuell orientering, handikapp, fysisk fremtoning, nasjonal opprinnelse, etnisitet, tro, religion, o.s.v.
  2. Respekter kroppslig integritet og avstå fra fysisk påtrengende adferd. 
  3. Ikke start, fortsett eller oppmuntre til personlige angrep, flammekrig og trolling.  
  4. Vi tolererer ikke sjikane, personlige angrep eller nedverdigende adferd. Dette inkluderer påtrengende fotografering eller videopptak, uønsket seksuell oppmerksomhed og bevisst stalking eller forfølgelse.
  5. Ikke forstyrr foredrag og andre organiserte arrangementer.
  6. Bruk gyldige kontaktopplysninger (f.eks. Slack, e-post, o.s.v.) som kan besvares direkte.

Generelle råd

Forsøk …

  1. Å gi anerkjennelse når det er fortjent.
  2. Å be om hjelp når du er usikker.
  3. Å hente hjelp utefra hvis du sitter fast i en uenighet.
  4. Å vise respekt for tiden folk bruker på dugnad.
  5. Å være positiv og gi konstruktive tilbakemeldinger.
  6. Å være oppmerksom på at språk kan være vanskelig. Sarkasme og ironi er ikke noe alle forstår.

Grunnleggjande reglar

Me reknar desse reglane for å vera sjølvinnlysande:

  1. Behandle alle medlemmer av fellesskapen med respekt, uansett rase, kjønnsidentitet, alder, seksuell orientering, handikapp, fysisk framtoning, nasjonalt opphav, etnisitet, tru, religion, o.s.v.
  2. Respekter kroppsleg integritet og avstå frå fysisk påtrengjande åtferd. 
  3. Ikkje start, hald fram eller oppmuntre til personlege angrep, flammekrig og trolling.  
  4. Me tolererer ikkje sjikane, personlege angrep eller nedverdigande åtferd. Dette inkluderer påtrengjande fotografering eller videopptak, uønskt seksuell merksemd og medviten stalking eller forfølging.
  5. Ikkje forstyrr foredrag og andre organiserte arrangement.
  6. Bruk gyldige kontaktopplysningar (t.d. Slack, e-post, o.s.v.) som kan svarast på direkte.

Generelle råd

Forsøk …

  1. Å gi anerkjenning når det er fortent.
  2. Å be om hjelp når du er usikker.
  3. Å henta hjelp utefrå viss du sit fast i ei usemje.
  4. Å visa respekt for tida folk bruker på dugnad.
  5. Å vera positiv og gi konstruktive tilbakemeldingar.
  6. Å vera merksam på at språk kan vera vanskeleg. Sarkasme og ironi er ikkje noko alle forstår.

Regras básicas

Consideramos que as seguintes regras são evidentes:

  1. Tratar todos os membros da comunidade com respeito, independentemente de raça, identidade de género, idade, orientação sexual, deficiência, aparência física, origem nacional, etnia, crenças, religião, etc.
  2. Respeitar a integridade corporal e evitar comportamentos fisicamente intrusivos. 
  3. Não iniciar, continuar ou incentivar ataques pessoais, guerras violentas e trolling (trolagem).  
  4. Não toleramos assédio, ataques pessoais ou comportamento humilhante. Isso inclui fotografia ou gravação intrusiva, atenção sexual indesejada e perseguição ou espreitar qualquer indivíduo.
  5. Não interromper palestras e outros eventos organizados.
  6. Usar informações de contato válidas (por exemplo, Slack, e-mail, etc.) às quais possam ser feitas respostas diretas.

Conselhos gerais

Busque …

  1. Dar crédito quando merecido.
  2. Pedir ajuda quando tiver dúvida.
  3. Obter ajuda externa se não conseguir resolver um desentendimento.
  4. Respeitar o tempo de voluntariado das pessoas.
  5. Ser positivo e dar feedback construtivo.
  6. Estar ciente de que a linguagem pode ser difícil – o sarcasmo e a ironia não são compreendidos por todos.

Normas básicas

Consideramos estas normas como sobreentendidas:

  1. Tratar a todos los miembros de la comunidad con respeto, independientemente de su raza, identidad de género, edad, orientación sexual, discapacidad, aspecto físico, origen nacional, etnia, creencias, religión, etc. 
  2. Respetar la integridad corporal y abstenerse de comportamientos físicamente intrusivos. 
  3. No empezar, continuar o fomentar ataques personales, discusiones sin sentido o burlas.  
  4. No tolerar el acoso, los ataques personales ni los comportamientos degradantes. Esto incluye fotografías o grabaciones intrusivas, atención sexual no deseada y acoso o seguimiento intencionados.
  5. No interrumpir charlas u otros actos organizados.
  6. Utilizar medios de contacto válidos (como Slack, correo electrónico, etc.) con los que poder responder directamente.

Recomendaciones generales

Trata de …

  1. Reconocer el mérito cuando se merece.
  2. Pedir ayuda cuando tengas dudas.
  3. Buscar ayuda externa si estás en un conflicto.
  4. Respetar el tiempo de los demás.
  5. Ser una persona positiva y ofrecer comentarios constructivos.
  6. Tener en cuenta que el lenguaje puede ser difícil: no todo el mundo entiende el sarcasmo y la ironía de la misma manera.


Die Regle send för üs säubstverständlech:

  1. Behandle alli Metgleder vo de Gmeinschaft met Respäkt, onabhängig vo Rasse, Gschlächtsidentität, Alter, sexueller Orientierig, Behenderig, Usgseh, nationaler Härkönft, ethnischer Zueghörigkeit, Glaube, Religion, usw. 
  2. Respektier die körperleche Gränze vo anderne Mönsche, ond verhalt dech ned ufdrenglech. 
  3. Tue niemer persönlech Aagriife, Beleidie oder Trolle, oder derigs Verhalte wiiterfüehre oder fördere.  
  4. Mer dolded kei Belästigonge, persönlechi Aagreff oder ernedrigends Verhalte. Zo dem ghört au ufdrenglechs Fotografiere oder Felme, onerwönschti sexualisierte Kommentär, oder vorsätzlechs Stalke ond Verfolge. 
  5. Stör kei Vorträg oder anderi Veraastaltige. 
  6. Nötz göltigi Kontaktinfos (z.B. Slack oder E-Mail), damet dech anderi Lüüt diräkt chönd kontaktiere. 

Allgemeini Hewiis

  1. Verteil Annerkönnig, wenns verdient esch.
  2. Frog noch Helf, falls der onsecher besch. 
  3. Hol der externi Helf, wennd inere Meinigsverschedeheit festgfahre besch. 
  4. Respketier die freiwellig ond ehreamtlech Arbet vo anderne.
  5. Bes postitiv, ond mach konstruktivi Vorschläg. 
  6. Bes der bewosst, das Sproch cha schwerig si - Sarkasmus ond Ironie verstod ned jede glich. 

بنیادی قواعد

ہم ان اصولوں کو خود وضاحتی سمجھتے ہیں۔

  1. کمیونٹی کے تمام ممبران کے ساتھ عزت کے ساتھ پیش آیئں بلا تفریک ، نسل، جنسی شناخت، عمر، جنسی رجحان، معذوری،شکل و صورت، قومیت، نسل، عقائد، مذہب وغیرہ۔
  2. جسمانی سالمیت کا احترام کریں اور جسمانی طور پر مداخلت کرنے والے رویے سے پرہیز کریں۔
  3. ذاتیات، شعلہ بیانی اور مذاق اڑانے سے گریز کریں اور ایسے عمل کی حوصلہ افزائی سے بھی گریز کریں ۔
  4. ہم ہراساں کرنے، ذاتی حملوں، یا توہین آمیز رویے کو برداشت نہیں کرتے۔ اس میں بلا اجازت فوٹو گرافی یا ریکارڈنگ، ناپسندیدہ جنسی توجہ، اور جان بوجھ کر پیچھا کرنا شامل ہے۔
  5. بات چیت اور دیگر منظم پروگراموں میں خلل نہ ڈالیں۔
  6. رابطہ کی درست معلومات (مثلاً سلیک، ای میل، وغیرہ) استعمال کریں جس پر براہ راست جواب دیا جا سکے۔

عمومی مشورہ

کوشش کریں ..

  1. حوصلہ افزائی کے مستحق کی حوصلہ افزائی کریں 
  2. جب آپ کو یقین نہ ہو تو مدد طلب کریں۔
  3. اگر آپ کسی اختلاف میں پھنس گئے ہیں تو باہر سے مدد حاصل کریں۔
  4. لوگوں کے رضاکارانہ وقت کا احترام کریں۔
  5. مثبت رہیں اور مفید رائے دیں۔
  6. اگاہ رہیں کے مشکل زبان کو سمجھنا دوسروں ک لیے مشکل ہو سکتا ہے 

Rheolau Sylfaenol

Rydym yn credu bod y rheolau hyn yn gwbl amlwg:

  1. Trin pob aelod o’r gymuned â pharch, waeth beth fo’u hil, hunaniaeth rhywedd, oedran, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol, anabledd, ymddangosiad corfforol, tarddiad cenedlaethol, ethnigrwydd, credoau, crefydd, ac ati. 
  2. Parchu cyfanrwydd corfforol ac ymatal rhag ymddygiad ymwthiol yn gorfforol. 
  3. Peidiwch â dechrau, parhau, nac annog ymosodiadau personol, a throlio.  
  4. Nid ydym yn goddef aflonyddu, ymosodiadau personol, nac ymddygiad diraddiol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys ffotograffiaeth neu recordio ymwthiol, sylw rhywiol digroeso, a stelcian neu ddilyn. 
  5. Peidiwch ag amharu ar sgyrsiau a digwyddiadau eraill a drefnir. 
  6. Defnyddiwch wybodaeth gyswllt ddilys (e.e. Slack, e-bost, ac ati) y gellir ymateb yn uniongyrchol iddi. 

Cyngor Cyffredinol


  1. Rhowch glod pan fydd yn haeddiannol. 
  2. Gofynnwch am help pan fyddwch chi'n ansicr. 
  3. Mynnwch gymorth allanol os ydych yn anghytuno. 
  4. Byddwch yn barchus o amser gwirfoddolwyr pobl. 
  5. Byddwch yn gadarnhaol a rhowch adborth adeiladol. 
  6. Byddwch yn ymwybodol y gall iaith fod yn anodd — nid yw coegni ac eironi yn cael eu deall gan bawb. 

Handling Violations

Contact in Case of Presumed Code of Conduct Violations

In case of a presumed Code violation, please contact the event staff, or a TYPO3 Association ombudsperson. The ombudspersons can always be contacted at ombudsperson(at)typo3.org.

Due Process and Right to Appeal

Reported cases are reviewed, without undue delay, by at least two TYPO3 Association ombudspersons. The review process should not usually take longer than two weeks.

In case of a suspected violation, all parties have a right to be heard during the review process. The ombudspersons may interview additional witnesses at their own discretion.

Event organizers or platform admins may limit a person’s access to the event or platform while a case is being reviewed. Any right to refund of event fees, etc. must be specified in the event’s refund policy.

All decisions made by the ombudspersons can be appealed to the TYPO3 Association Board. The Board’s decisions are final.

Reactions to Violations

Reactions to a breach of this Code depend on the type, seriousness, and context of the violation. Typical reactions are defined and published by the TYPO3 Association Board and might span from a formal warning to a time-limited exclusion from some or all platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Commentary and frequently asked questions to the Code of Conduct.

Basic rule #1: Treat all community members with respect …

Treat all community members with respect, regardless of race, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, national origin, ethnicity, beliefs, religion, etc.

1. What does it mean to “behave respectfully”?

It means that you think about what you say before you say it and consider the results of your actions. Could it hurt someone? Certain words and actions may have meanings that go beyond what you intend.

2. Who are “community members” and who are not?

Generally speaking, if you are at the premises of a TYPO3 event or on a platform listed in the section Applicability and Scope, everyone you meet and interact with should be considered community members.

If you meet community members outside of these settings, they are still community members who can invoke the Code of Conduct. This is because the fear of repeated disrespectful behavior can discourage their participation in the TYPO3 community events and platforms.

3. How do you differentiate between “beliefs” and “religion”?

Where you draw the line is up to you. The Code of Conduct applies to both. In some contexts these words have the same meaning, but “beliefs” also encompasses temporal (non-religious) convictions, likes, and dislikes. For example, which political party or CMS is the best.

4. What does the “etc” imply?

The Code of Conduct requires you to show your fellow human beings respect. The “etc” (or “et cetera”) indicates that the list of items is not complete. You might think of more similar words, and they are also included. You can’t behave disrespectfully in a certain way just because it isn’t in the list.

Basic rule #2: Respect bodily integrity …

Respect bodily integrity and refrain from physically intrusive behavior.

1. What does “respect bodily integrity” mean?

Basically don’t touch anyone without them having given you permission to do so.

Also consider that most people maintain a buffer zone or intimate zone around their body. Deliberately moving within this zone can be experienced as uncomfortable and a breach of integrity.

2. What is “physically intrusive behavior”?

Doing anything that makes the other person want to move away or wish you weren’t there, such as deliberately following, stalking, threatening, or continuing a conversation when the other person has asked you to stop.

3. Can’t I give people a hug or kiss?

You can give a hug or kiss to everyone who answers “yes” when you ask them “may I give you a hug/kiss”. Hugging and kissing are more common in some cultures, but some people find it a breach of their personal integrity. 

A consent to a hug can also be non-verbal. If you approach someone with arms wide open and they open their arms in return, they are consenting to a hug. If they keep their arms down, their are not up for a hug right now.

Basic rule #3: Do not start, continue, or encourage …

Do not start, continue, or encourage personal attacks, flame wars, and trolling.

1. What is a “flamewar”?

Also known as “roasting”, this is to use insults, hostile language, or offensive words against or between people. It is often seen online, but the Code of Conduct covers both online and offline situations.

2. What is “trolling”?

In our context, trolling is to deliberately provoke emotional reactions, manipulate or derail a conversation or discussion by inserting off-topic, insincere, or excessive arguments, or by being unnecessarily argumentative.

Even if your contributions are sincere and have the best intentions, people can perceive it as trolling. Be sensitive and stop unproductive arguments and don’t repeat yourself unnecessarily. If someone tells you to stop trolling, take a minute to consider why that might be. Step down gracefully.

3. How can I defend TYPO3 while staying compliant with this rule?

Defending the product or community should never be done by demeaning or attacking other people. Only argue facts. For example, using bad words about someone will neither further the conversation nor defend the product. Saying “what you're saying is wrong because X, Y, Z” is the way to handle it. If the other party doesn't drop the topic, you drop the topic. Say: “I don't think we are getting anywhere with this discussion. I won't make any further replies.”

Basic rule #4: We do not tolerate …

We do not tolerate harassment, personal attacks, or demeaning behavior. This includes intrusive photography or recording, unwanted sexual attention, and deliberate stalking or following.

1. What does “we do not tolerate” entail?

If you see a Code of Conduct violation that falls under this clause, please consider speaking up against it or contacting the ombudspersons or event organizers.

2. What does “demeaning” mean?

It means to use words to frighten, humiliate, belittle, or degrade other people. Given emotional stress or anger, it isn’t always premeditated. It is our job as fellow TYPO3 community members to be constructive and stop it.

3. Isn’t the meaning the same as that of rule #3?

While rule #3 disallows participation, this rule covers more serious situations. While trolls are better left alone, those bystanders who feel safe to do so might consider intervening to stop ongoing harassment or unwanted sexual attention

Basic rule #5: Do not disrupt …

Do not disrupt talks and other organized events.

No frequently asked questions available.

Basic rule #6: Use valid contact information …

Use valid contact information (e.g. Slack, e-mail, etc.) to which direct responses can be made.

1. Do I really have to tell you who I am?

No, you don’t have to publish your real name or any sensitive personal information. However, we expect that your active participation in the community is a two-way conversation, not a monolog. If you want to voice your opinion, please take part in a fruitful and constructive discussion.

2. Does this prevent me from contributing anonymously to TYPO3?

No. You can contribute code or money anonymously. However, the moment you voice an opinion or respond to others, we require you to be able to receive responses from others.

General advice #1: Give credit …

Give credit when it is deserved.

1. Where do I draw the line? Should I always thank my parents?

Include anyone directly involved in or who directly inspired your work. In the case of code contribution, you might choose to credit the person or people who:

  • Gave you the idea
  • Gave you advice
  • Wrote the code you improved
  • Helped with coding
  • Reviewed your code
  • Sponsors

2. How do I give credit?

This depends on context. Ask around or spend a little time looking at how other people have done it.

General advice #2: Ask for help …

Ask for help when you are unsure.

1. Where should I ask for help?

This depends on context, but feel free to ask the community—even if your question is “where do I ask for help about this”. The Help and Support page has some good suggestions.

2. Can I ask about anything that’s relevant?

Yes. We all start out asking questions before we know enough to answer questions from others. And it never stops: Even the most experienced TYPO3 community members ask questions.

General advice #3: Get outside help …

Get outside help if you are stuck in a disagreement.

1. Where should I ask for help?

Free to contact someone you know in the community or contact the TYPO3 ombudspersons.

General advice #4: Be respectful …

Be respectful of people’s volunteer time.

1. How do I know that someone is volunteering their time?

Assume they are volunteers until you are certain they aren’t. Asking people is a good place to start.

2. How can I be respectful?

Don’t ask or expect too much. Consider sponsoring a feature or bug fix.

3. Why do you only mention volunteer time?

Everyone should be mindful of other people's time. However, when speaking about the same task, volunteer time has a very different quality to paid time. Example: Repeatedly asking urgent questions and expecting immediate answers from volunteer community members would violate this section in the Code of Conduct. Doing the same with paid support would be a matter for your terms of service agreement.

General advice #5: Be positive …

Be positive and give constructive feedback.

1. What do you mean by “constructive feedback”?

Rather than just saying that something is wrong, explain how it can become better.

General advice #6: Be aware that language …

Be aware that language can be difficult—sarcasm and irony is not understood by everyone.

1. How can language be difficult?

Language can be difficult to understand, especially if it is a foreign language. Using complicated and uncommon words can make it especially difficult to understand what is being said. Some people also find reading or hearing difficult.

2. What is “irony”?

It might be (sometimes darkly) funny when something ends up the exact opposite of what you would normally have expected. It is ironic when the code change that is supposed to fix a hundred bugs instead introduces a hundred more bugs.

3. What is “sarcasm”?

Sarcasm is when you say one thing, but mean the opposite. When speaking, we sometimes use a different intonation or pitch to underscore that we’re saying something sarcastic. When writing, we sometimes indicate sarcasm by putting a word within quote marks.

Let’s say you are stuck in a long queue of people and you’re very bored. Saying “this is so fun” sarcastically might underscore that the experience is absolutely not fun at all.

4. Why doesn't everyone understand irony and sarcasm?

Lack of fluency in a language can make it hard to detect the subtle hints of sarcastic remarks. Others find sarcasm difficult due to mental disabilities or disorders.

This Code of Conduct is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.