Update on the TYPO3 Inc. preparation.

Categories: Association, Marketing Created by Alain Veuve
As the preparation phase of the TYPO3 Inc. is going on and the shaping of a potential TYPO3 Inc. becomes more and more clear, I am reaching out to find some key hires for the start-up team.  As you know, the TYPO3 Inc. itself is not yet officially decided and approved. The general assembly of the TYPO3 Association will vote on whether we will really do it or not in April 2016. 


One substantial part of the preparation work is to find people who are able to turn the strategy of the TYPO3 Inc. into reality. Both CEO and CMO, for which I set up detailed job postings, will work as a part of the startup team. And as we are thinking of the TYPO3 Inc. as a one-time investment of the TYPO3 Association, the start-up team will have just one bullet to “kill the thing”. This is why we are looking for experienced, proven start-up people rather than juniors. I know that this makes hiring even more complicated.  <link https: www.xing.com jobs _blank>Job posting: CEO <link https: www.xing.com jobs baar-cmo-for-typo3-inc-22825719 _blank>Job posting: CMO

Update on the TYPO3 Inc. preparation

I am right now writing down all the findings from the past months into a business plan. In December, the preparation team will receive the document and do some iterations with amendments and correction. Once we thing it is good enough we will publicly ask the members for their feedback. I think there will be some presentation webinar to introduce you to the basic planning and findings.

Please help spread the word

As searching experienced people is difficult I ask you to share this article as much as possible. It will increase the possibility that we will find the right people for these key roles.  Thank You!
Alain Veuve