"Impossible!" is a common reaction on reading this headline. But the impossible is our goal. The DocTeam is currently working on a manual that shall allow everyone to understand TypoScript in only 45 minutes.
TypoScript is a great concept that is unique in the CMS-world but it is also hard to understand for the novice. We hope that a good manual will produce relief. "TypoScript in 45 minutes" shall become a manual that illustrates the use of TypoScript with a lot of examples and some explanations. We are writing it in german but later on we also want to translate it to english.
We will be delighted if some of you help us. Beginners p.e. can help with telling if our manual is comprehensible and clear.
Advanced TypoScript users can directly write with us in the wiki, supply examples or tell us their tips and tricks.
Just look at our wiki entries (1) or in the forge issue tracker (2) for more information.
The DocTEAM keeps the documentation effort focussed the right way to support documentation-writers. Want to help? Just join us!
(1) https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/tutorial-typoscript-in-45-minutes/master/en-us/
(2) https://github.com/TYPO3-Documentation/TYPO3CMS-Tutorial-Typoscript45Minutes
(3) Documentation Team
--- writer: Susanne Moog (thanks!) ---