Cleaning the house. From 12th to 14th of may 2016 that team met in Rosenheim.
The last very rainy days gave as perfect conditions, to meet and nerd for a weekend.

Our main focus was the improvement of the <link>professional service listing (PSL). Due to changes at the Google Maps API the main function location search was broken. Now agencies are listed and can be found properly again. Fourth some improvements for the administration were added. Further we added some smaller features, like the full address of the agencies to their entry.

Another highlight is the improved membership listing. Now we are able to fully automate the import of our member data, so they will be up to date nearly realtime. And members, which are earned their professional listing, will be highlighted in the listing soon.
Beside our work, it was enough room for fun and food :-)
A lot of additional task could be solved too:
- Deployment update: We moved all remains svn repositories to git.
- Case Studies of PSL agencies will be listed at the homepage
- Documentation of processes
- Clean up tickets in forge (

A special thank goes to all partipiciants who spend their time:
- Thomas Löffler (Spooner Web)
- Stefan Busemann (in2code)
- Jutta Schmitt-Lenzen (Marketing Factory)
- Alexander Stehlik (Intera)
- Tobias Adolph (Leibniz Rechenzentrum der bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften)
- Peter Kraume (bgm)
- Markus Sommer (in2code)
The location was sponsored by <link http: agentur>in2code. The costs of this sprint were covered by the <link>TYPO3 Association.
If you like to start contributing to our team, please contact us in our <link https: messages t3o-team>Slack channel