This Month in TYPO3: January, 2025 [Issue #21]
Welcome to the January 2025 edition of our TYPO3 roundup! With the new year in full swing, we’re seeing important security releases, fresh community…
We’ve all experienced it: the troubles that come with speaking in public. Through engagement and interaction Howard teaches us the five most important techniques to use in order to get rid of stage fright and keeping your public engaged. Among these five techniques is his own ‘unfreeze the knees’ technique, teaching you how to stand right in order to exert relaxation and confidence.
TYPO3 is going strong with new industry partnerships, TYPO3 University Package, In-house Certification and going global. TYPO3 is gaining a foothold in the Americas. Just recently the Canadian government has decided to start implementing TYPO3 for all their government websites. A giant leap for TYPO3 on the continent on the other side of the Atlantic.
“Are you sure about that?” was a sentence that was frequently repeated during this session. Many walked into this session, fully confident that they could not be tricked. However, many were left scratching the back of their heads after the first few questions in this interactive activity where everybody in the audience learned something.
“A digital library where you can find all your digital assets, that’s Bynder”, Roxane from Bynder explains. “It is easy, efficient and expandable, it is also simple to categorize.” DAM connected to your CMS gives you the best of both worlds. But Roxane also knows that Bynder is only as good as the program it connect with. The Bynder extension for TYPo3, that Frans Saris made, offers an seamless integration of your Bynder assets in your CMS with all the filter and search possibilities that Bynder offers. During their talk at TYPO3 Camp Venlo this integration was launched.
Frank explainedhow using different filesystems can be a pain, especially when you want to move from one provider to another. Often, file system providers cause you to be ‘vendor locked’. However, with Flysystem this is no longer the case. Flysystem supplies a delicate set of tools that allow you to talk to multiple storage systems in the exact same way, meaning that swapping to another provider will no longer break your code or require an entire re-design. Whether you want to use local storage, Amazon WS3 or Dropbox, Flysystem has got you covered.
“Who is your audience and how do you solve their problems,” Tracy asks the public. “TYPO3 has a lot of solutions. Eighty percent of all the the core values of other programs we have also. Only we don’t talk about it.” That must change. That is the reason why Tracy and her partner of Open Strategy, Jeffery, are helping the TYPO3 community with a marketing strategy. They made, together with the community, a collaborative content plan. “You can contribute, too, to market TYPO3 so we can let the community grow. Wanna help? Come to the next marketing sprint.”
Coming with TYPO3 CMS version 9LTS is the all new frontend editor. Mathias demoed all the functionalities of this magnificent tool in his presentation. Editing something small in the backend and then going back to the frontend to see the changes are past events. Now you can just go to the frontend editor, click the content you want to edit, and you can edit it inline. Dragging and dropping content elements to rearrange them, or even dropping new content elements is no problem. The frontend editor takes care of all of it.
“The new rules on privacy regulation will affect all of us,” started Anne Schmidt in her talk. “For the consumer it’s a great regulation because their data has never been so protected as now.” For people working with data it is a whole different story. Before you do anything with data, you must have the permission of the consumer. But that same consumer can remove his permission at any time. “If so, you have to react quickly.” A visitor shakes his head. “It’s undoable to comply with these rules.”
Google is changing its way of indexing websites to a system they call ‘mobile first.’ But what is this exactly, many people wondered. Peter explains the fine details as to how this is going to work. An ever-growing percentage of traffic on the web is done via mobile devices, and Google wants to accommodate this traffic. For this reason Google has decided to index your website according to the content it provides on the mobile version, and not the desktop version. Peter lets us know that it is very important that the content on our mobile websites should be looked after to make it succeed with this new indexing system
Last year these two gentlemen presented YOAST SEO plugin for TYPO3. This year there is a improved version. Version 1.3 has the content analysis that checks the text you write, and gives suggestions to improve it. In the new version you can set a focus keyword, a snippet preview that shows how your article will show up in search results, and you can use the social preview feature so you can share your article on social media.
Don’t wanna miss TYPO3 Camp Venlo in 2019? Block your agenda from March 14 till 16th, or get your early bird ticket here:
Pictures by Marsha Lamers - Park1
Videos will be published in the coming weeks on: -- Our OWN channel, still created by Stefan
For the slides of the speakers see
Welcome to the January 2025 edition of our TYPO3 roundup! With the new year in full swing, we’re seeing important security releases, fresh community…
The TYPO3 Documentation Team has enhanced the resources available to new integrators and developers, delivering a completely revamped Getting Started…
Whether you're new to TYPO3 or perhaps you’ve used it in the past, this short guide is the ideal starting point. In this guide we’re going to…
The TYPO3 Association has officially launched the second community budget process of 2025.
TYPO3 v14 LTS is scheduled for release at the end of April 2026. The Product Strategy Group has plans for ground-breaking changes to our favorite CMS.…
The TYPO3 Documentation Team made significant strides in 2024, achieving groundbreaking advancements and key improvements. Let’s explore the…