The organisation (pic by Wolfgang Stoiber - Studio47) The TYPO3camp featured some sessions about current topics like Neos installation and how to build a Neos plug-in. The introduction to TYPO3 CMS 6.0 was done as a major presentation without any parallel sessions. Oliver Hader, core development team leader, showed the major changes. It was exiting to see what the next version will feature. Although Oliver himself is very modest about the feature-set for 6.0 the crowd was very impressed with the File Abstraction Layer, workspaces changes and the radical namespaces changes. It looks like the next release will also feature a full compatibility layer for at least a couple of coming versions. In the evening there was the traditional Bavarian dinner (Schweinebrat and for the vegetarians noodles mit Kase überbacken) in the Bierkeller of the Golden Barrel. Andy the Dj, assisted by Johnny and Robert, had a whole repertoire of old skool hip-hop, that took most of the crowd well in to the night. As an extra welcome surprise there was a small layer of snow outside that sparked of the first snowball fights this year.

The crowd (pic by Wolfgang Stoiber - Studio47) I am sure everyone was very happy that we had an extra hour the next day, due to the time change to winter time. Sunday again featured a number of interesting sessions. You can find all sessions on the TYPO3camp Regensburg website: <link http: www.typo3camp-regensburg.de sessions sessionplan.html>www.typo3camp-regensburg.de/sessions/sessionplan.html Especially for this occasion Xaver has written a TYPO3 extension that assists with the session planning. The extension will be available in the extension repository once it is stable. It still needs testing, allthough it did the job pretty good at the TYPO3camp. It can be used for other TYPO3camps as well. Just ask Xaver for the extension. Thanks to the organisation for this smooth camp and see you again next year.