Image by Riona Kuthe It was great to see a lot of new faces again like the folks from Poland, Rumania and Denmark. Like most TYPO3camps lunch and dinner are fully covered by sponsors including the poolparty on Thursday and transportation to and from the airport was all taken care of perfectly. The weekend started with the sessionplanning. The planningboard was quickly filled with sessions amongst which an introduction to TYPO3 version 6.0 by the release team that was already on the island for a week. The TYPO3camps are a good way to get in touch with the community and to get a feel what is going on. A lot of TYPO3 subjects are discussed in and outside of the sessions and meeting personally lays a foundation for future cooperation. In today's TYPO3 community session we discussed local usergroups and how to keep them going. Some usergroups are very lively already and exist for years, other user groups have great difficulty to keep their users motivated to participate and contribute. The release team held a public meeting where bottlenecks and other issues were discussed like the team does on an almost weely basis. That was visited really well and gave a good insight in how much work a new release actually is. In this case it is even more work then with other releases since the coming release is a major one jumping to version 6.0. The topics of the sessions are varying a lot and I would especially like to mention the very popular Zen coding session, where the attendants got some advise on how to work concentrated without being distracted by multiple monitors, social media etc. TYPO3camp Mallorca is an awesome intitiative that really needs a follow up next year with more attendants from all over the globe.