TYPO3 v5 project report: July 2008

Categories: Development Created by Robert Lemke
With some delay here's now the activity report of what happened in the v5 world in July. We are so busy and absorbed by the current development that we have become a bit silent. But playing with our new baby, the persistence framework, is just far more exciting than writing reports ;-)

So, can it save?

There's this question again ... Last month I still had to answer: "no, at this moment we cannot save objects". That has radically changed since then - now the persistence framework and the TYPO3 CR can transparently persist and reconstitute objects! Last month we designed, together with Daniel Brün and Nils Jeisecke, the sequences for creating, saving, loading and updating domain objects and implemented the most important aspects of the persistence framework. Karsten also committed his first version of the TYPO3 CR query manager which allows for creating and executing queries. Karsten also created a basic administration tool which will, eventually, become something like phpMyAdmin but for the TYPO3 Content Repository. After these promising results we are quite confident that we can prepare some nice demos in time for the T3CON08 in October.


Quite a lot happened in the routing department. Bastian Waidelich commited his first hit of the MVC router which basically comes with (at least) the features of RealURL but is way easier to configure. For that, Bastian has experimented with different configuration syntaxes and has come up with a pretty nice and easy-to-read solution. While the basic routing with path segments and static or dynamic routes works fine, there's a lot more on Bastian's schedule for the next months. One important feature is the special support for RESTful services which in it's basic form has already been integrated into the MVC framework.


After the initial planning phase in June, Andi has now implemented first parts of his security framework. It's already possible to authenticate a user by user name and password and keep the login in a session.


Finally, David Brühlmeier has officially finished his master thesis and published a new version of DEV3, the FLOW3 and TYPO3 development platform for Eclipse. It works on Linux, Windows and Mac and can be easily installed by the Eclipse update manager - just add the new update site "http://dev3.org/update/" and install the DEV3 package. In one of the next episodes of the T3CAST David will demonstrate the features of DEV3 and how to get involved.


In the beginning of July, Karsten and me travelled to Annecy, France, in order to give a workshop about TYPO3 v5 and FLOW3 at the TYPO3 Summer University 2008. It was a really nice event with a very interested (and brave) audience who managed to stay awake the whole day during our demonstrations. In case you haven't seen it yet: There's a T3CAST episode featuring an interview with Paul Blondiaux, the organizer of the T3UNI event.

Magazines and Conferences

Apart from all the development work, we try to spread the word about TYPO3 v5 and FLOW3 on conferences and in magazines. The next issue of the German T3N magazine will contain an introduction to FLOW3 and even other magazines already start publishing articles about FLOW3 without any effort from our part. Crazy enough we were pointed on a German conference which features two FLOW3 related sessions by authors we don't know personally. So it seems that FLOW3 and TYPO3 v5 already got some reputation in the PHP world and that although we even don't have an official release yet ... There'll be a few more conferences this year which will contain sessions about FLOW3 and we'll of course keep you of informed about them. The next opportunity to watch a session about TYPO3 v5 is on the OpenExpo in Zürich and then, of course, at the T3CON08 in Berlin.


Starting with episode #7, the T3CAST is now published in High Definition. Although the file sizes are much bigger, you'll surely enjoy the bigger resolution when code samples and other screen demonstrations. For those who watch the T3CAST on their mobile device, I'll soon provide a second feed with a lower resolution version. As producing the podcast requires quite some time, I want to make sure providing you with just the content you want. So if you have any suggestions for future episodes, the length, topics, format - please drop me a line at robert at typo3.org.

Next steps

August and September have two main topics: Persistence / TYPO3CR and the TYPO3 Backend. The goal is to have something nice we can come up with for the T3CON08 in October. As usual, if you have any comments or suggestions, we're glad to hear from you on the TYPO3 v5 mailing list!