TYPO3 Phoenix and FLOW3 - June 2012

Categories: Development Created by Karsten Dambekalns
June was a good month: FLOW3 users saw the release of 1.0.5 and 1.1 RC1, we finally had a sprint release of TYPO3 Phoenix again and the website for the european T3CON12 was launched. And the team got a little bigger: Welcome Ryan and Jacob!

TYPO3 Phoenix

Marc continued to work on the content management module, refactoring parts of the codebase and acting on comments provided by Sebastian. Aske attacked a large number of small and medium issues in setup, UI and test code of Phoenix, leading to a bunch of change requests being merged during the month. Rens was hard at work making the <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-phoenix-sprint-8-released>sprint release work and also got a <link http: phoenix.typo3.org>dedicated website for TYPO3 Phoenix up and running - so now you can find the documentation we have online as well! The TYPO3 Phoenix team decided to become early adaptor of the IKS project. In June Christopher and Rens joined the IKS demo workshops in Salzburg (read the <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-phoenix-becomes-iks-early-adaptor>news for more information) and the team started implementing VIE. This will enable us to add semantic capabilities to TYPO3 Phoenix, but also enable us to easily change the editor used in the content module. This work is fully sponsored by the IKS project. 


Julle continued to work on integrating Composer for package (dependency) handling into FLOW3. Although hitting a few bumps in the beginning he is now confident it will all work out fine and Composer is a good choice. Marc (alrady mentioned above) also worked on Debug.Toolbar and PHPProfiler, trying to integrate <link http: d3js.org>D3.js for nicer and more expressive <link http: mbostock.github.com d3 talk bar-hierarchy.html>output <link http: mbostock.github.com d3 talk treemap.html>capabilities; Bastian reviewed and merged a number of changes to the TYPO3.Form package and provided a nice performance improvement for the routing mechanism of FLOW3. The <link http: flow3.typo3.org documentation guide.html>documentation for FLOW3 was updated with new chapters, tweaks and fixes throughout the month by a number of people. It includes some new chapters and a validator reference now. Talking about documentation, we also have some people proofreading and tweaking on a language level by now, meet Ryan and Jacob. Both living in the USA they come with the needed "laguage nativeness" for such a task… and pushed us into a new timeslot for our daily scrum, which is now held at 14:00 CEST so they do no longer have to get up in the middle of the night (literally).

The End

Those of you who missed entries for Robert in this issue: He was traveling the world… First he attended the IPC12 in Berlin, giving a workshop, a keynote as well as a few talks on FLOW3 and Phoenix and participating in a <link http: it-republik.de php artikel flow3-zend-symfony-auf-der-suche-nach-dem-besten-framework-4826.html>framework <link http: it-republik.de php news framework-day-auf-der-ipc2012-spring-063149.html>discussion. Then he attended the Dutch PHP Conference 2012 in Amsterdam, basically doing the same… before he flew to Canada for the TYPO3 Conference in Québec. The conference was a success and besides Robert also Bastian and Christian presented FLOW3 and TYPO3 Phoenix topics. That's it for June. Now on with July… Enjoy the summer everyone and stay tuned!