Now we have the TYPO3 look in the wiki, with a big navigation optimization. The automatic language switch helps translators. For contributors the barrier is now very low.
By definition a wiki has a very simple design and everything is made with just text, and so was our wiki since 2004.
On T3CON10 I met Sabine Hueber (Designeon) and we talked about Design, aims and processes.
So now in March we made the new layout skin. Very important in this was: the typical horizontal menu for <link http: _blank>
Secondly very important for the manual translation, e.g. for ts45min and typo3_tut, was the move of the language switch from the wiki-pages to the php file of the skin, so that it now works automatically.
It let to very much clean up work in the wiki, so many wiki-templates needed a change and all the „dirty“ inline CSS stuff went into the skin CSS.
We already switched the user preference settings of all users to the new skin, so you need not do it.
The concept of the orange main navigation is to get with just one click to the most important pages like ts45min, extension developer guide, team pages e.g. the Translation Team. Every (!) menu item has an explanation by mouseover.
The most important part of the orange navigation bar is the Wiki-Contribution menu. Here every group of people e.g. Reviewers who like to find errrors have their own menu item, so they can start with just a click.
By the way: At Friday there's the Bug Day, where you might use the new layout for the first time. A new topic in the wiki is the Git – Gerrit Tutorial what you need at Friday. You can write <bug>12345</bug> to point to a mantis and <issue>2345</issue> to a forge issue. The issue-Tag feature is ready for you the day before the Bug Day.
In this place many thanks to all the helpful Wiki Contributors who cleanup things, correct grammar, TypoScipt snippets and put out spam-trials. Especially thanks to Christopher S., Michael Stucki, Ingo Renner, and thanks to Susanne Moog for reviewing this news article.