TYPO3 Community October 2011

Categories: Community Created by ben van 't ende

The month of October could almost be called launch month with the launch of FLOW3 and the release of TYPO3 version 4.6. The international TYPO3 conference in Frankfurt, Germany was extra-ordinary event as usual with a main focus on FLOW3.

T3CON11, Frankfurt, Germany

The seventh international TYPO3 conference was home to over 370 visitors from thirteen countries for two days. The TYPO3 enthusiasts met in Frankfurt, Germany to hear about, learn about, discuss TYPO3, chat, make new acquaintances – and of course party hard at T3CON's famous come-together-event.

One of the most prominent topics was the development of FLOW3 and the new next-generation CMS codenamed Phoenix. At the conference the release of the stable 1.0 release of FLOW3 was announced. FLOW3 is the PHP framework that will give birth to the new CMS.

Rasmus Skjoldan talked about the process of developing a brand for TYPO3 as a project and as a product. Using archetypal branding, he and the marketing team will give TYPO3 a lasting, stable identity, a brand personality that appeals both to the mind, heart, and soul of both developers and users. A brand book providing examples, imagery, and text material for future communication and public relations will be released at the end of the year.

So what's next? From June 13-15, 2012 the North American conference will be held in Quebec, Canada with two English and one French tracks.

Newsarticle: <link http: news.typo3.org news article typo3-community-october-2011 t3con11-a-brief-recap>news.typo3.org/news/article/t3con11-a-brief-recap/
Website: <link http: t3con.typo3.org _blank>t3con.typo3.org


On October 20th the FLOW3 team announced the release of FLOW3 1.0. FLOW3 is a web application platform enabling developers creating excellent web solutions. It gives you fast results. It is a reliable foundation for complex applications.

FLOW3 will be the basis for our new next-generation CMS that is currently being developed. With the release of FLOW3 1.0 attention has shifted to building the CMS part.

Newsarticle: <link http: news.typo3.org news article typo3-community-october-2011 flow3-100-has-been-released>news.typo3.org/news/article/flow3-100-has-been-released/
Website: <link http: flow3.typo3.org _blank>flow3.typo3.org

The first FLOW3 user group in Munich (MFUG - Munich Flow3 User Group) has been started. The group will meet on a monthly basis and discuss the features and possibilities of FLOW3 and all the features containing. In the meantime a second usergroup Rhein/Main came was started.

Newsarticle: <link http: news.typo3.org news article typo3-community-october-2011 first-flow3-user-group>news.typo3.org/news/article/first-flow3-user-group/
Website: <link http: www.mfug.de _blank>www.mfug.de

TYPO3 version 4.6

TYPO3 version 4.6 was released exactly on schedule. Release manager Xavier Perseguers managed the whole release sequence without missing one single date. This release paves the way for a cleaner CMS, based on stable and proven technologies. The most important innovations are: Reworked localization mechanism, New Form content element and Enhanced security and performance.

Newsarticle: <link http: news.typo3.org news article typo3-community-october-2011 typo3-version-46>news.typo3.org/news/article/typo3-version-46/
Release parties: <link http: wiki.typo3.org release_party typo3_4.6 _blank>wiki.typo3.org/Release_Party/TYPO3_4.6

Security Code Sprint

A code sprint is not an uncommon phenomena anymore in the TYPO3 eco-system and the security team met from Oktober 14th to 16th for a code sprint in Hannover, Germany at naw.info. Security Team Leader Helmut Hummel says: “Doing these things together in a small group of nice people turns out to be both productive and inspiring.”

Newsarticle: <link http: news.typo3.org news article typo3-community-october-2011 security-code-sprint-a-recap>news.typo3.org/news/article/security-code-sprint-a-recap/

Smells Like Team Spirit

The design team has produced a generic flyer that can be used for TYPO3 events or for other promotional purposes. The flyer contains info on TYPO3 by numbers, about the history of TYPO3 and about community events. It has a placeholder for a company logo. The design team did a great job to get it together. For more info on how to obtain these mail ben.vantende@typo3.org. If you want to release the flyer in your own language we can supply the original Indesign files.

Team page: <link http: forge.typo3.org projects design _blank>forge.typo3.org/projects/design

We started a screencast team in October with 6 very motivated people. After discussing some basic requirements the team started a test to see how collaboration can function. The team plans to do screencasts on core features and most used extensions. The aim is to produce high-quality material in both english (native) and german.

Team page: <link http: forge.typo3.org projects typo3-screencast _blank>forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3-screencast

The workspaces team defined goals for workspace and version extension for TYPO3 4.7. Further cleanup of course always is on the agenda, but apart from that language and translation handling is a priority. Workspaces will move to Ext JS 4 along with whole TYPO3 backend for 4.7. Support for the new Media Management (formerly known as DAM) and the File Abstraction Layer are also on the agenda. As Media Management/FAL is still under development nothing can be finalised at the moment.

Team page: <link http: forge.typo3.org projects typo3v4-workspaces _blank>forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-workspaces
Team goals for 4.7: <link http: forge.typo3.org news _blank>forge.typo3.org/news/492