During 4th to 7th April another code sprint happened with a group of people taking care of the "extension" topic for the TYPO3 CMS core. This time AOE Media in Wiesbaden was our hoster and provided everything we needed to keep us busy on coding stuff. Special thanks goes to Tolleiv Nietsch and Steffen Ritter for the organization of this Code Sprint.
Extension Manager Finishing
The 6.0 extension manager was unfortunately not fully finished with the first release of 6.0. While the basic functionality was given, there are some hickups and unfinished parts. The main tasks we focussed on
- UI / Styling - The whole module got a major overhaul and was changed to be more in-line with the rest of the backend
- Fixings in TER connection / download / upload / mirrors - TER updates still had minor flaws and got patches to stabilize
All changes were also migrated to TYPO3 6.0, so stay tuned for a great 6.0.5 version coming up with a highly improved extension manager.
Upload Extensions to TER
The 6.0 extension manager does not allow uploading new extensions to the TER anymore. In the meantime, there were some external extensions that solve the problem, but the intention was that not each T3 installation needs to come with this functionality. We opted for a simple solution for everyone - allowing extension owners to upload their extensions via the frontend on TYPO3.org. Kai Vogel updated the TER extension running on typo3.org for that.
We are in contact with the t3o team, that will look into these changes and apply them within the next weeks.
Package Management for 6.2
Thomas Maroschik has already worked on the package management part, so TYPO3 CMS can work with classic extensions, but also with composer-based packages. Over the weekend a patch evolved that is still work in progress, but can become one of the big things for 6.2 already. This work is again near to the heart of TYPO3 CMS and pretty intrusive. It restructures major parts of the bootstrap and class loader logic again and is based on the work that was done with 6.0 in this area.
On the horizon is a TYPO3 Package Repository, that can deal with t3x/zip files of extensions, but also with TYPO3 Packages that have a PSR-0 structure and are FLOW compatible. The package repository itself is still not worked on, but the main target is for TYPO3 CMS 6.2 to deal with composer packages, and this weekend was a big step towards that.
Reviewing other parts
- Open FAL reviews are now down to only a handful, the rest of the features were merged.
- Steffen Ritter worked on a nice drag&drop upload functionality based on HTML5, that works, but will be ready for 6.2
The review queue was significantly lowered, as a lot of backports were finally merged or closed.
All in all we can look back to a very successful weekend that gave up to 13 participants a lot of fun. The main stats are impressive:
- State changes in gerrit: 1070
- Merged issues master: 61
- Merged issues 6.0: 58
- Merged issues 4.7: 7
- Merged isues: 4.6: 1
- Merged issues 4.5: 11
- Merged issue total: 138
- Total number of work hours spend: ~320 (!)
- 230 files changed in master, 2900 lines of code added, 1800 removed
All in all, there was the 10.000th merge in the TYPO3 Core since the change to git on saturady.
Special thanks go to the off-site contributors this weekend: Wouter Wolters and Stefan Neufeind!
Be sure to <link>try out the beta2 release of TYPO3 CMS 6.1 which was released today where you find most of the changes ready for testing.