TYPO3 CMS 6.2.19 and 7.6.4 released

Categories: Development Created by Oliver Hader
The TYPO3 Community announces the versions 6.2.19 LTS and 7.6.4 LTS of the TYPO3 Enterprise Content Management System.
We are announcing the release of the following TYPO3 CMS updates:
  • TYPO3 CMS 6.2.19 LTS
  • TYPO3 CMS 7.6.4 LTS
Both versions are maintenance releases and contain bug and security fixes. Find more details in the security bulletins:  For details about the releases, please visit the following websites: MD5 checksums
4460d814cdc526347c771c1a32e85235 typo3_src-6.2.19.tar.gz
5f27c56fa636b6dad18487edb8608f4f typo3_src-6.2.19.zip
400d5f8808c1377034ddc35165ccbb18 typo3_src-7.6.4.tar.gz
d9b4ec13fdc935445f6e85c3e3c7fdc8 typo3_src-7.6.4.zip
SHA256 checksums
d0fd1f9c605a668827e062364d4f56577ee57a7e4ac45987a732b15d67cf3b3f typo3_src-6.2.19.tar.gz
b0543cfa21b1f50fe04be0ac940c638fca74e1f96aa93089b3c20fcf3fec2195 typo3_src-6.2.19.zip
6d65008f4a71036cc6c90648f3c4019422904ff7c7d3c0f84a1695d64b8f615b typo3_src-7.6.4.tar.gz
04fe21245a0881ed3be1219092cc86bcba1d2fb28554e33d425814bfa5bc347e typo3_src-7.6.4.zip
Find the packages under <link https: typo3.org download>typo3.org/download/ or get them via <link https: get.typo3.org>get.typo3.org.