TYPO3 at the Internet Festival 2015

Categories: Community Created by Rino Razzi
A report on the presence of TYPO3 at the 2015 edition of the Internet Festival in Pisa, Italy.
During the last edition of the Internet Festival, held in Pisa (Italy) from October 8 until October 11, a full day event around TYPO3 took place, organized by members of the TYPO3 Italian community and of the T3Camp Italia team (<link http: www.t3campitalia.it _blank>www.t3campitalia.it). The event was titled "TYPO3, what a great Open source enterprise CMS!" and it was the second time that a TYPO3 Day was hosted at the Pisa Internet Festival. During the day, members of the TYPO3 Italian community and of the T3Camp Italia team introduced our beloved CMS's main features and showed its features. A talk titled "The Italian community gathered around TYPO3" explained how the TYPO3 Community and the TYPO3 Association work together to ensure the development of a common project. In the afternoon, a collective workshop involved the whole audience: step-by-step, under the supervision of three expert TYPO3 integrators, a brand new professional website was built up by a number of newbies. Moreover, TYPO3 has been presented with a booth during the whole festival duration by a group of Italian Members of the TYPO3 Community.

A report about those days

TYPO3 Presentation Day

This year the event was split in two parts. The morning was filled by a conference where Italian and international speakers presented the following topics:
  • TYPO3 community
  • TYPO3 EXT Themes
  • TYPO3 and web marketing.
For the afternoon, a workshop titled "How to set up and configure a professional web site with TYPO3 in 2 hours" have been organized. Atteneed of the workshop used their own personal laptop and the Wi-Fi connection provided by the organization. Each participant had access to its own TYPO3 instance and started using TYPO3 Install Tool to set it up. Then everyone was guided from Ivano, Cristian and Abramo towards the first installation and configuration of a TYPO3 website. Moreover, thanks to the technological sponsor of the day, the web sites used for the workshop will be available to the attendees for one month after the workshop, so that they can keep on playing with TYPO3.

Some numbers on the TYPO3 Day

  • around 50 people registered before and during the event
  • around 20 non registered participants passed to have a look, stopped for a while, chatted with the organizers
  • around 25 people participated to the workshop dedicated to the TYPO3 Installation
  • at least 40 people didn't know TYPO3 before the event.
Compared to Internet Festival 2014, the team collected far better numbers, particularly when looking at newbies. Since the TYPO3 Day aimed mainly at promoting and spreading the knowledge of TYPO3, the team is really satisfied of this number. A large part of the new faces were web developers, a smaller part were students of engineering or computer science. There were web agencies and freelance web developers interested in evaluating alternative tools to the ones they usually see in their work (WordPress, Drupal, etc.). In four days the team met many different people: web editors, web developers, decision maker of public organizations and private entities, students and just curious people.

The TYPO3 booth

This year the location of the TYPO3 booth was perfect: the TYPO3 booth was located in the main location of the Internet Festival where numerous events have been held during the whole duration of the festival. Thousands of people were there and saw the TYPO3 booth.


The team wants to thank the TYPO3 Association that supported the event and the idea of spreading TYPO3 in Italy. A big thank you goes also to the whole T3CampItalia group (www.t3campitalia.it), who did a lot of work for the event: Marco Antonioli, Laura Grenzi, William Sbarzaglia, Ivano Luberti, Abramo Tesoro and Cristian Buja. Many thanks also to Alice Guadagni, Marcella Greca and Arianna Da Rold from Archimede Informatica who helped in organizing the TYPO3 Presentation Day logistics and the TYPO3 booth at the Internet Festival. Finally, a big thank you to Jo Hasenau for his precious and informative presence at the TYPO3 Presentation Day. His presentation about THEMES extension was really interesting and appreciated by all the attendees, especially the ones who already knew TYPO3. Rino Razzi (<link https: twitter.com rino_razzi _blank>twitter: @Rino_Razzi) - Coordinator of the T3Camp Italia group for this event.