June and July have been interesting and intensive months for the Association. What have we done?
Trademark means value
The TYPO3 Association has been actively involved in trademark-related issues. With numerous trademark violations being notified to the Association, a need for clear regulations and processes has been identified.
It is part of our tasks and objectives, according to our by-laws, to protect the trademarks. With the experience done in the last ten years in the field, we reached the point where improvements have to be done.
Why is it important to take care of the trademark?
First of all it is one of the main objectives in the bylaws of the TYPO3 Association. This means, that we have to protect the usage of the trademarks to avoid misuse or misleading usage. We believe in the best intent of people who use the trademark and we know that in most cases people are using the trademarks to support the TYPO3 project.
On one hand, therefore, we have been contacting members and non-members that overlooked the trademark regulations, and on the other hand we have been working on giving a better structure to the internal processes related to this topic, as well on creating clearer guidelines (<link _blank>current guideline) for the use of the TYPO3 marks, which will be published and communicated in the next weeks.
OpenExpo Day Madrid - inspiring people to share
The TYPO3 Association took part to the OpenExpo Day in Madrid on June 26th. Our participation to the event has been strongly supported by Christian Müller, who gave a presentation on the TYPO3 Community and a workshop on the use of Neos. Members of the Spanish part of the Community supported us with a workshop on TYPO3 CMS and with a stand in the main meeting area.

Meeting the TYPO3 agencies
The Marketing Team provided us with a great start in the month of July, by organizing and conducting the Agency Meetup Day in Frankfurt on July 2nd. Thanks to the moderation of Alain Veuve, the TYPO3 Association had the pleasure to meet and to sit with representatives of numerous agencies of the Frankfurt area. Through this meeting, inputs on the products’ features that need improvements and on the expectations from the TYPO3 Association have been collected. The Marketing Team has decided to continue organizing these meetups and consolidated results will be published at the end of this process. Besides Alain moderating this day Naike Begiatto (Executive Secretary), Olivier Dobberkau (T3A President) and Ben van 't Ende (Community Manager) attended as official representatives of the TYPO3 Association.

External communication
Together with the PR Agency Fink and Fuchs, a complete description of the TYPO3 Association has been prepared. The PR Agency will use this description to present our profile to journalists interested in TYPO3 and in <link http: t3con.eu home _blank the typo3 conference in>T3CON14. Moreover, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands have been selected as international target audience for press releases on TYPO3 activities and on T3CON specifically.
Presentation matters
With the support of the Design Team and of Robert Zierhofer specifically, a standard presentation template has been created. With its colourful and stylish touch, it will support the Association and the Community when presenting TYPO3. The presentation will be available for <link>download for the whole Community.
Committees are at work
organisational committee is currently working on the definition of the structure of the TYPO3 Association. This task includes creating a clear list of responsibilities that are shared throughout the organization. The result will be presented at the next <link http: association.typo3.org how-it-works ref assoc _blank information about the typo3>CEBAB (combined EAB and Board meeting), and once consolidated it will be communicate to you all.
certification committee is working on improving the processes to take an online exam. We found out that the booking process is complicated and that informations about the process are missing on the certification page. The new 6.2 LTS based certification is going to be online in a few weeks and a developer certification is also in progress.
The education committee had the first sprint in the mid of July. In three days a lot of fundamental and visionary work was done and led to a roadmap which has the goal to foster the overall education in all areas. In the aftermath concrete work packages will be elaborated and the implementation will start soon. For this purpose the committee is seeking for volunteers. Please write to <link to peter>Peter if you are interested.
Board meetings
Our bi-weekly Board meetings have been taking place regularly, allowing us to discuss the main issues (described above) and topics that are relevant to the Association, such as events, trademarks, membership system maintenance, as well as structures and processes.
Stefan Busemann has been preparing the agendas and redacting the protocols of the meetings; should you have questions about this, please kindly contact <link to stefan>Stefan or <link to naike>Naike.