In 2014 it is the third time the Board and the EAB of the TYPO3 Association meet (Cebab: Combined EAB and Board Meeting) to discuss and to work on the different topics that are on their agenda.
The meeting was held in Karlsruhe on August 11 and 12 and was kindly hosted by Flagbit.

The main topics for the third CEBAB were:
- Member statistics: the clean up of our membership administration is nearly finished. Abandoned memberships have been terminated by the back office. We are proud to report that we are having currently 764 members (419 bronze, 248 Silver, 87 Gold, 11 Platinum members).
- Open Invention Network: the TYPO3 Association was requested to join the initiative. As our by-laws states that the TYPO3 Association is "neutral", we are planning to ask our members if we should join. We will try to hold an online voting for our members to receive a statement. Then we will decide if we join the initiative.
- The Board decided to have an ECO Membership. In return ECO will get a membership in the TYPO3 Association. We think this is an useful step that TYPO3 is getting more visible. Also we will profit from many other benefits.
- Open Source Initiative (OSI): the TYPO3 Association will join OSI. We will benefit from numerous items. We will learn more about Open Source, receive consultancy and advices, show involvement for Open Source, and have a legal contact persons.
- For 2015, we want to enhance the status of our General Assembly (GA). The plan is to organize parallel team sprints at a common location. During these sprints we want to hold our GA. This will open up many possibilities and the teams, by all being on site, will be able to interact. The Association is in this way able to provide help to the teams and have a close communication.
- Successor for Board and EAB election 2015: two members of the EAB (Jan-Hendrik Heuing and Jonas Felix) and one member of the Board (Frederic Gaus) will leave their role from 2015.
- Community Management: we started to introduce a new community management process (<link http: news article calling-out-a-competition-for-ideas-for-community-management-2015 _blank to competition community management>see article). For this purpose a staffing committee will be created, which will select the most suitable concept. This committee will set up the expectations for the competition. The process will be implemented in a totally anonymous way. Moreover, the Board and EAB granted a budget extension for the current community management until the end of the year.
- Roadmap 2015: we started a draft for the roadmap for the next year. In 2014 our aims were to improve the administration (nearly finished), to install the executive secretary (done), communication (in progress - newsletter, cooperating with a PR agency, started a campaign for international press, etc). For 2015 we want to focus on the community. It is our vision, that we want to be bridge builders - helping all teams to solve their problems and start an interaction process between teams and involve the Association. One idea of this process is the enhanced GA (see above).
And besides the combined meetings and that it was holiday time, we still were able cover other topics, such as the Agency Meetup Days: two additional meetings were held (Hamburg and München). We are still collecting valuable input from agencies on what the role of the association should be along with some information on how the core teams could improve our products TYPO3 CMS and TYPO3 Neos.
At the same time, improvements have been planned for the page dedicated to the TYPO3 Certifications. We aim at having a more user-friendly page, which provides users with clear instructions on the process.
The Board has been in contact with the italian part of the TYPO3 Community in the last months and agreed in participating to the <link http: _blank to internet festival>Internet Festival in Pisa in October 2014. The italian Community members will be present with a TYPO3 booth during the whole festival duration. Furthermore, key speakers will spread the TYPO3 word during the dedicated day, on Saturday 11.10.2014.
The <link http: news article committed-to-contribution-submit-your-2015-budget-application-now _blank to typo3 budget application process>budget application process for the year 2015 has started and the deadline for the submission of the requests is set for September 19th. The applications related to larger projects will be discussed, as usual, at the T3CON in Berlin.