The TYPO3 Agency Meetup (T3AMD) roadshow continues, and last week on Thursday (24.09.2015) two meetups have taken place simultaneously: one in Utrecht and one in Munich.
At the German meetup 13 different agencies gathered with representatives of the TYPO3 CMS core team, and of the marketing team. These being Benni Mack, Alain Veuve, and Christian Händel.
At the Dutch meetup instead eight agencies have come together. While the TYPO3 CMS core team has been represented by its Product Owner, Mathias Schreiber, the marketing team by Boris Hinzer and the Fabian Stein, and the TYPO3 Association by Naike Schulthess.
The agencies' representatives had varied roles within their organizations: project managers, marketing managers, business owners, and sales managers.
The Agenda
1. Introductions
Just like any other event, each of these two T3AMDs have started with a general introduction on the expectations of the marketing team, on why the meetups take place, and by giving the chance to each participant to introduce him or herself.
2. One-year retrospective
Alain Veuve in Munich and Fabian Stein in Utrecht presented to the participants what has been done during the last year.
Some of the key topics that keep attracting the attention of the agencies are the LTS extension and the Scenario 3, also called TYPO3 Inc. We kindly invite the whole TYPO3 ecosystem to follow closely the news published on to stay up to date with these and other topics.
3. Marketing Material
The work of the marketing team done during the last year has been presented, including the flyers and the <link https: web-vision typo3.styleguide _blank>style guide. More has been explained in relation to being relaunched in the upcoming months.
The marketing team also used this opportunity to repeat the need for more engagement from the community at the <link http: _blank>marketing sprints
4. A look into the future
This section of the agenda has been shaped in form of a workshop. Each participant could write down a list of things he or she expected from the TYPO3 Marketing Team.
Quite few ideas have been expressed here, to name few: case studies need to have more visibility as they are useful marketing material, more marketing and PR campaigns should be planned, there is a need for localized and multilingual material and websites, more material in terms of whitepapers and factsheets is needed.

Mathias Schreiber has presented TYPO3 CMS 7 to the participants, explaining what the plan is and what the main changes are compared to the previous versions.