What to expect from TYPO3 4.7
TYPO3 Version 4.7 is a big step forward to standards compliance and accessibility. Since Version 4.7 TYPO3 easily works with HTML5 and thus allows comfortable integration of recent video and audio standards. Web accessibility is for the first time an integral part of the TYPO3 core. Additional new features and corrections ease the work of developers, integrators and editors.TYPO3 harmonizes with HTML5
Wherever rich media content (images, audio or video) needs to be integrated on various platforms, HTML5 has established itself as the de facto standard in development of modern websites. Therefore from TYPO3 Version 4.7 on, HTML5 conformity is a core feature. What was possible in earlier versions of TYPO3 only indirectly (via Extensions or custom configurations), is now very easy. In conjunction with the system extension ›CSS Styled Content‹ TYPO3 Version 4.7 now generates clean HTML5 source code that corresponds to the W3C validation guidelines.The feature-enhanced and HTML5 optimised Rich Text Editor (RTE) can be adapted much more easily to individual needs. In addition, the integration of HTML5 video and audio files is now possible as well as the simultaneous uploading of multiple files within TCEForms. For video content TYPO3 Version 4.7 uses the JavaScript library videojs and Flowplayer as fallback.
Web Accessibility by default
Web Accessibility is not an entirely new concept in TYPO3. The creation of accessible websites with TYPO3 was possible for quite some time already. However the necessary steps and configuration had to be completed again with each new TYPO3 installation. This sometimes time-consuming procedure is now obsolete. Web accessibility is now active by default with TYPO3 Version 4.7 and an integral part of the TYPO3 core. This is a great improvement – and not only for those who maintain more than one TYPO3 website.›Government Package‹: An increase in accessibility
With TYPO3 Version 4.7 a dedicated ›Government Package‹ is available for authorities and other interested parties for the first time. It is tailored to the specific needs of public authorities websites and was funded by the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food in Germany (Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)). As an IT provider for many government organizations BLE is relying on TYPO3 as Web-CMS. Initially the ›Government Package‹ will be available in German only. An English version is already being planned.More information about the ›Government Package‹ can be found on the official demo website (German language only): government.v4.demo.typo3.org/home.html
Other new features, improvements and bug fixes
TYPO3 integrators and developers will be happy! Among other things about the more flexible cache handling. About the expansion of the stdWrap function. And about several new hooks and TCA-options. And TYPO3 Version 4.7 has become much faster compared to earlier versions. This became possible through the definition of UTF-8 as the only allowed character set, through the optimization of TYPO3s default search engine “indexed_search” and not least by removing lots of outdated code. Detailed information can be found at the following resources. <link bu>General Release Notes <link http: wiki.typo3.org typo3_4.7 bu>Technical Release Notes <link http: git.typo3.org typo3v4 bu>ChangeLogGet TYPO3 4.7 now...
You can download the TYPO3 4.7 packages on our download page. <link bu>Download TYPO3 4.7Documentation
The Core-Documentation already has been updated to match the new possibilities shipped by TYPO3 version 4.7.- <link http: typo3.org documentation document-library core-documentation doc_core_tsref view _top>TypoScript Reference (doc_core_tsref)
- <link http: typo3.org documentation document-library core-documentation doc_core_tsconfig view _top>TSconfig (doc_core_tsconfig)
- <link http: typo3.org documentation document-library core-documentation doc_core_tca view _top>TCA Reference (doc_core_tca)
- <link http: typo3.org documentation document-library core-documentation doc_core_ts view _top>TypoScript Syntax and In-depth (doc_core_ts)
Upgrading Information, technical details and support
Further information about the Release, its new features and important technical information about upgrading and compatibility are collected on the according wiki-page. If you encounter extension compatibility problems feel free to add them to the list within the wiki. <link http: wiki.typo3.org typo3_4.7 _top bu>TYPO3 4.7 Wiki-Page If you have question the community will support you in our Mailinglists "german" and "english" as well as via Twitter.You encountered an bug? We kindly ask you to report your problems at our <link http: forge.typo3.org projects typo3v4-core issues>bugtracker.
Package checksum
You might want to check inegrity of the downloaded packages against the following MD5 checksums:849445ad455cd8b99cf16336cfd6ea42 blankpackage-4.7.0.tar.gz
f761ae06eb10b3c78e864c02ff8e5dee blankpackage-4.7.0.zip
4dfbb48315620ead950467716b643df6 dummy-4.7.0.tar.gz
432a72095123a890a27bd8abf67d69a0 dummy-4.7.0.zip
4d12f77c7c23a7ad933f197382110244 governmentpackage-4.7.0.tar.gz
26d047f7cdf504e7729a991b83c3e52a governmentpackage-4.7.0.zip
a80bf051234ba775e3ee163428a0436f introductionpackage-4.7.0.tar.gz
b6bccd01c7f99eb181cdd9ccbfd064c6 introductionpackage-4.7.0.zip
db91d285ee79a8c68ebad3eeefa0e143 typo3_src+dummy-4.7.0.zip
b030bce602f1ab7b7d15f35dcc93da66 typo3_src-4.7.0.tar.gz
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