TYPO3 4.7 Alpha2 released

Categories: Development Created by Steffen Ritter

Today, the TYPO3 community released the second Alpha version of TYPO3 4.7. This marks another milestone of our journey to the next major release of our CMS: TYPO3 4.7 standards and accessibility.

Today, the TYPO3 community released the second Alpha version of TYPO3 4.7. This marks another milestone of our journey to the next major release of our CMS: TYPO3 4.7 standards and accessibility. The Release of 4.7.0 will be ready by 24th April 2012. This Alpha version is a "developer snapshot" to show the progress so far.

What happened so far?

Since the last Alpha Release many things changed. The focus of this release is the Backend migration to ExtJS 4. Most parts are already migrated and ready to test. Other parts are still missing and loaded via ExtJS3 compatibility layer.

We highly encourage you to test the Backend and give feedback on that. As an Alpha version is only a developement snapshot, please be aware that there are still bugs we will be working on. To do this properly we ask you to report every issue you encounter.

In addition to the ExtJS 4 transition some more new stuff has been included. For example we upgraded the SwiftMailer API as well as there are some new possibilities within TypoScript.

As already announced in our kick-off article indexed_search now ships with an accessible search plugin based on Extbase and Fluid.

Following the current transitions of laws the Frontend-logging has been extended by the possibility to anonymize the IP address of visitors.

Beyond these many bug fixes and smaller tasks have been introduced.

For details about this particular release and the current progress, please read up on:

<link http: forge.typo3.org projects typo3v47-projects wiki typo3_47_alpha1 _blank>forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v47-projects/wiki/TYPO3_47_alpha2

The release plan for 4.7, the schedule and the planned projects are detailed in the <link http: forge.typo3.org projects typo3v47-projects wiki _blank>project wiki on forge.


For the second Alpha an introduction package was built, which allows testing the new features right away on a fresh installation.

In addition the new government package is available as well as Alpha2 package (currently only in german).

Experienced users can of course opt to upgrade an existing installation to the new 4.7 Alpha2 version, but keeping in mind that this is still a snapshot of our development so far, and more changes and fixes will be included in further releases.

You can download the Alpha packages from:

<link http: typo3.org download packages _blank>typo3.org/download/packages/

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