The core team is proud to announce the second Release Candidate of TYPO3 version 4.2. We now think that we do have all blockers for a final release fixed so that if no critical bugs are found in this release candidate this will be the final release of TYPO3 4.2.
What has changed?
Most of the changes since RC 1 are bug fixes that were found in RC 1. We fixed 23 bugs. Included in these 23 bugs are also 10 bug fixes auctioned during the TYPO3 Snowboard Tour in Laax.
User Interface Polishing
Apart from the bug fixes we also put some last minute user interface polishing into the release so that the control icons in the extended list view are now aligned in columns. New icons have been added here and there, too to make the backend look more consistent.
Reminder: Raised minimum PHP version requirement
To run TYPO3 4.2 you need to have <link http: people stucki article leaving-php4-behind>at least PHP 5.2. This move was necessary to use PHP features introduced since PHP 5.0.
As always
Other then the highlighted bug fixes, performance improvements, and enthusiasm we again put lots of love into this release. A special thanks for the help in making this release what it is goes to the core team and all community developers engaged in fixing bugs and providing features.
Next steps to 4.2
As this is a release candidate we strongly recommend to test this version on your sites. This is now not only recommended to developers but also to all users.
Please test this release candidate version as much as possible, especially the new features introduced with the previous alpha and beta releases! If you're using one of the new features in a project of yours already and discover bugs, please report them immediately to <link http:>!
As mentioned in the beginning we think that we have fixed all ciritical bugs and expect to make RC2 the final release if no new critical bugs turn up. We will release the final release of TYPO3 4.2 in one week from now if no critical bugs are found. In case there are critical issues we will continue releasing RC versions in one week cycles until we feel the code base is good enough for a final release.
For a detailed overview of the features in 4.2 have a look at the <link http: index.php>Development wiki page, the <link http:>bugtracker, and the <link http: viewvc typo3 typo3core branches typo3_4-2>ChangeLog.
You can download the packages at <link http: download packages>
MD5 Sums:
53af9d0b04d234387199fa3ff2eeeeec dummy-4.2.0RC2.tar.gz
0c866768291e5305857f11d37fbe9352 typo3_src-4.2.0RC2.tar.gz