This Week in TYPO3 (Week 46)

Categories: This week in TYPO3, Community Created by ben van 't ende
The BIG Neos code sprint, Neos compendium translators needed, TYPO3camps, community counts and Dynamic Content Elements.
Week ending November 14

TYPO3 Neos

Neos code sprint

Week 46 was already the second week of a big code sprint for Neos that will last for several weeks. Robert Lemke, chief developer of Neos, writes how this sprint is <link http: news article a-big-leap-for-typo3-neos>A Big Leap for TYPO3 Neos. The Neos team has an ambitious goal: Implement the remaining top features! The initiative of the code sprint has been started by Sven Ditz and Gina Steiner (<link http:>Sitegeist) and Josef Willkommer (<link http:>Techdivision) and Neos core team members Robert Lemke, Karsten Dambekalns and Christian Müller. The initiative is backed by the TYPO3 Association. <link http: news article typo3-neos-12-beta2-released>Two beta's of TYPO3 Neos 1.2 have been released as of writing This Week in TYPO3.

Looking for volunteers to translate the TYPO3 Neos Kompendium in English (and other languages as well)

As you might noticed there is a comprehensive compendium for TYPO3 Neos out since the beginning which is maintained by Patrick Lobacher. This compendium now has 360 pages and it is growing with every version of TYPO3 Neos. It is initially written in Apple Keynote which is subject to change in the future, because translating from this source is very time consuming. So one of the first tasks could be to switch to an open text format.
Patrick Lobacher <link http: plobacher typo3-neos-das-kompendium> For the first versions Roland Schenke has done great translations, but now we need additional volunteers to get this done, because it’s too time consuming for one person. The last version in english was 1.0.2 while the german one is most recent (1.2.0 beta1). <link http: plobacher> So we need your help! Would you like to be part of the TYPO3 Community and want to take over such a great task? Hundreds - no thousands - of TYPO3 Neos enthusiasts would be very proud of you if you can give them the chance to learn Neos with a translated compendium. Please contact Patrick by email <link>


TYPO3camp Rhein Ruhr (November 8 - 9, Essen, Germany)

Daniel Siepmann wrote an article highlighting <link news article community-diversity-at-typo3camp-rhine-ruhr>diversity at the TYPO3camp Rhine Ruhr.  Joachim Rowles was the photographer for this event. The <link https: u photos albums>T3CRR 2014 photo album is available on Google+.
Picture by Joachim Rowles
We are more than software. Welcome to the TYPO3 community Boris Schauer with the help of Benjamin Kott made a retina background (17MB) available with T3CRR14's motto. We are more than software. The link to the retina background is available at the bottom of this article. With <link http: en>TYPO3camp Poland (November 21 - 22, Poznan. Poland) the TYPO3camps for 2014 come to an end. We are looking forward to 2015 with fresh new TYPO3camps.


Community Counts

On Friday the 24th of October Salim Badakhchani and Robert Lindh (CEO of Pixelant) attended the TYPO3 Eastern Europe (T3EE) conference held in Cluj Napoca, Romania.  The conference was concerned with raising awareness of TYPO3 in that market and ultimately gaining market share.  Robert Lindh recently wrote an article for called <link http: life community-software-and-future-foss>Has the time come to rebrand open source? Salim Badakhchani is Senior Software Engineer @ Red Hat and writes about their talk at T3EE and the Community Software Initiative, which finds it's roots in Robert's article. We could not have been in a more appropriate conference given the subject matter of the talk we were going to raise.  I had already had a number of conversations with Robert, some time before the conference, regarding the proposition of starting a third movement in the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) community.  Unlike the movements of Free Software Foundation and Open Source Initiative, which came from developer communities associated with academic institutions in North America, this was going to come from the grassroots of the business community in Europe. The proposition was was time to get more market share for FOSS and the best way to do it was to re-brand.  The problem that Robert and the business community had faced in Europe was a message that not only did not translate well in those markets but was actually detrimental to getting business.  The Problem was the terms "Free" and "Open".  Ambiguous terms in English, but when translated into other languages, became a nightmare to explain to the marketing executives who held sway over their companies I.T. budgets.
Salim Badakhchani and Robert Lindh While we understood that this was a problem for Robert, and a small number of businesses in Scandinavia, we still needed to confirm that there was actually value in this re-branding proposition on a broader scale.  Enter T3EE and beginning of the formalisation of ideas that ended up creating a distinct entity with its own identity and ideology.  The talk we initiated at T3EE was a simple conversation to ask whether it the time was right to make such a change.  The response we got was an overwhelming yes but with subtleties to the original idea which could only have come from a software community like TYPO3.  Having spoken to Olivier Dobberkau (President of the TYPO3 Association) and Ben Van 't Ende (Community Manager) and numerous international business owners as well as developers in the conference I saw the idea form into a message that was really something special.  We would choose a term that was inclusive of everybody in our industry and reflect the diversity of the participants who contribute to our community. Community Software as third movement in FOSS was born.  It would not be a replacement for FOSS but an extension of it.  It would be an alternative term you can use if you're simply interested in the adoption of FOSS.  You see in our software community we have those who care about why we do things.  They are mainly represented by the Free Software Foundation and the Free Software movement.  They care about the ethics.  Then there are those who care about how we do things.  They identify with Open Source Software and Open Source Initiative and they love the technology.  Finally there is Community Software.  We care about adoption of the software.  You can think about us as the business of FOSS.  We represent anyone who are interested in just getting the software out there and getting people using it. The conversations we had with the TYPO3 community formed the basis of the definition of "Community Software" we intend to maintain formally in 2015.  The contribution of the TYPO3 community and its enthusiasm for the proposition is testimony to its bravery.  The most successful communities are those which foster and encourage curiosity, creativity, collaboration and contribution with compassion.  We saw these qualities in abundance at T3EE.

Extension: DCE

Armin Rudiger Vieweg is the author of DCE, the Dynamic Content Elements extension. DCE can create dynamic content elements in an easy and fast way. DCE is an alternative to flexible content elements (FCE) but without need for TemplaVoila. The next major version of DCE will be 1.0. The approach to use TCA instead of flexforms is great and important. But much more work than Armin is able to invest, currently. 1.0 will be a major step and DCE will able to achieve the most important stuff with that release. The current feature that is missing before going to a 1.0 version of DCE is the file based DCE (what is the file based DCE, what does it do?) Main features:
  • TYPO3 6.x support
  • Filebased DCEs
  • Code cleanups
Keeping DCE up to date and to a 1.0 version costs a lot of time. For this major update Armin is looking for sponsors. The company/person/organisation who donates most, becomes main sponsor and gets credits in DCE’s documentation and Facebook page. To donate through PayPal just visit: Armin is keen on feedback about his project and would like to give you for further information. Just email him at: armin (at) Next week more on the Dynamic Content Elements topic with input from the nameless coder. Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: events> Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.